22. Lil meow meow

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I wanted to be someone's comfort.

I wanted to touch someone's  heart.

I want to take away your sadness, your pain. 

BTS : Magic Shop


Gigi was scared. But she couldn't believe her eyes. A sight so beautiful was standing in front of her after all.

With perfect skin and dark hair, he looked like ambrosia directly from Olympus. His dark eyes stared at her with unexplainable gravity. She forgot all about how she was actually caught spying on Taehyung, Without meaning to, of course. Instead, she laid sprawled on the ground, staring up at the incarnation of the full moon itself.

"Min Yoongi", she whispered in shock at the pure beauty before her. The man's face remained completely impassive.

"Don't you know it's rude to listen in to other's conversations?" he asked quietly. He looked calm, but Gigi knew that face could hide a thunderstorm.

She slowly got up and brushed her back off, choosing to keep quiet.

She raised her hand towards him, to touch him, to be sure he wasn't an apparition. His eyes looked down at her hand, his perfect mask slipping to show a little curiosity.

Gigi loved Taehyung the most, but Yoongi was like a brother, a best friend, a companion, an idol, an inspiration. Someone she dearly loved, respected and admired and to see him standing in front of her was making her dizzy with excitement. 

She reached for his cheek, half expecting him to not allow her to. His eyes moved to her eyes then. As she reached his face, he grabbed her wrist, not unkindly. Gigi widened her eyes in disbelief. He closed his eyes, taking in the moment.

He smiled ruefully at her, his eyes no longer angry when he opened them to look at her. "You are an army ", he simply said.

Now Gigi was even more in disbelief. "I- What? How did you know?" she stuttered out in shock.

He continued smiling at her as he brought her hand down. " Your eyes. They tell me everything " He dropped her hand. Gigi was quiet as she took in his words. It was true, and she loved how Yoongi didn't sugar-coat it. He wasn't arrogant. He was just truthful.

"Your words, your songs... helped me so much while growing up, and still does at times. Your lyrics... gave me unconditional comfort," she whispered.

"Yoongles", she called out softly, careful to not cross the line.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly. 

"Lil meow meow ", she persuaded.

His face split into a huge gummy grin. "God, You all gave me some of the weirdest nicknames." 

He gestured for her to follow him. "Come on now, let's get inside. It's cold, and it looks like you could do with a warm drink, Ms Hale" Yoongi's eyes sparkled under the moonlight, all thoughts about the previous eavesdropping gone.

"How do you know my name?" she asked in surprise as she followed Yoongi to the mansion. "Oh, Miss Hale, I think everyone at the party knows who you are. After all, you did just sign a deal with Taehyung's company " he laughed. The truth was he was standing behind Gigi by the drinks table when she had introduced herself to another businesswoman at the party. And that is how he knew who she was. But he lied to just see her reaction.

Gigi's face fell slightly at that, not at becoming a news buzz but at Taehyung's name. Her heart yearned for a man she was so close to yet so far away from. She remembered his tear-streaked face before he had walked past her in the maze and wondered what had resulted in that. Yoongi noticed how her face fell, his mind already making the connections.

"And Taehyung might have actually gushed to me about how he was excited to make a new deal with someone young and quite ambitious, like himself ", Yoongi spoke out casually, testing the water to confirm his intuition.

"Oh?" Gigi let out, her heart thudding at the thought that Taehyung had been excited to have this deal happen. She never thought she would ever get a chance to look at Taehyung, let alone work along with him. She struggled to wipe off the smile that threatened to show up on her face. She felt giddy with happiness and pride inside her chest. Yoongi smiled to himself when he noticed the myriad of red shades colouring her cheeks.

She was blushing, and he knew why. Taehyung was her bias, and it was very obvious to Yoongi. His thoughts began to think of ways to set them up. If things work out, great! If not, well...they have already signed the deal, so what's the worse that could happen. 


A/N : Find happiness in the small things and appreciate the people you have. ( Even if they annoy you)

Smile a little for me. 


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