25. Crying under hot shower

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Full of loneliness

This garden is bloomed full of thorns

I hung myself in this sand castle.

BTS : The Truth Untold


Taehyung had been observing Gigi for a while now. Quite well mannered and well-spoken, she gave ample respect to everyone he took her to, and he really admired that.

He had expected someone with more fire and arrogance after hearing about her achieved milestones in her career, but it seemed like she was intensely self-aware and carried herself with an air of elegance. He wondered where she got it from.

But as he watched her more and more, he began to notice something. She smiled and shook hands with the introduced people, made small talk, accepted their congratulations and sometimes laughed at their little jokes, but Taehyung could easily tell that something was bothering her.

He always had a knack for knowing people's emotions and their true intention, and this was no exception.

She seemed to be slightly on edge and kept glancing around. More than once, he had caught her staring at him. It didn't make him uncomfortable, though. He wasn't vain, but he knew he was a looker. And of course, when he was younger, and a performer, all anyone did was look at him, every inch of him.

Still, it annoyed him that something bothered her, and she was trying to hide it. But he didn't ask her about it. It might be personal, and he didn't want to pry. They weren't that close yet. But Taehyung had always been one to bask in the warmth of a large family. And he wanted to believe that Gigi would be someone he could trust, someone who could become a good friend rather than just a good business partner. After all, business included faith, confidence and loyalty.

At the end of the long party, Taehyung decided to voice out what he had been contemplating in his mind for a while now. He wanted to trust Gigi, and her behaviour and manners made him feel comfortable towards her. So deciding to take a leap of faith and stretching an olive branch out, he finally stopped walking, halting Gigi, who still had her hand around his elbow.

"Giordana, I have a party or more like a get together of close people only tomorrow, for dinner. I would very much like it if you came." he offered, his free hand coming to softly hold her forearm. They stood by the threshold, just inside the room.

Making friends was almost second nature to him, and although over the years it had considerably reduced, he felt different around Gigi. A good difference.

She just looked at him. Her eyes were alive with so much life, it felt like they would drown him in them. He had seen sadness a lot in the many eyes around him, but it had been a long time since he saw such life in anyone's eyes. She had stars in her eyes. It drowned him in a pleasant surprise for a minute, like an artist who found his inspiration, like a musician who found the most suitable note.

He stared at her, hypnotised, waiting.

She titled her head to the side, not saying anything. That small action had Taehyung swallowing pain that had suddenly reared in his heart. It reminded him too much of Jungkook. The youngest would always tilt his head to one side when he was embarrassed or anxious or just plain confused.

"Yoo-Yoongi will be there too." he managed to let out.

What seemed like a long time later, she nodded her head and replied, "Okay. I'll come... for you." And before he could grasp the full force of what she had said, she had let go of him and disappeared through the doors.

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