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Jungkook's POV

I turned around and saw Jieun. What does she want now. I turned to look at her confused.

IU: "You left your phone and I decided to give it to you," I thanked her then walk away.

Jieun's POV

He walks away and I saw him approaching Jiyeon and A handsome guy. Her again? She keeps getting in my way! My plan would be ruined!

What does he even see at her that he can't see at me?! You're gonna regret this Jiyeon. Jungkook is mine. Only mine.

Jiyeon's POV

Me and Hyunjin was talking while laughing when a pair of shoes stopped in front of us. We both looked up and saw the one and only, Jeon Jungkook.

Jungkook: "The other guys were looking for you so I went to look for you," He started off. Me and Hyunjin stood up. "Why are you eating on the floor? And who is this guy?" He traces his eyes at Hyunjin, looking at him from head to toe.

Jiyeon: "First nothing is wrong with eating while sitting on the floor. Second this is Hyunjin! The guy who sits in front of me in Biology class," Jungkook stares at me with cold eyes.

Jungkook: "Let's go, the bell will ring soon," He then attempted to drag me but I stopped him. He looks at me confused so I pointed at my stuffs. I picked my things up and turn to Hyunjin.

Jiyeon: I hugged him. "Remember what I said earlier okay? Bye Hyun--" Before I could even finish my words Jungkook started dragging me.

We both arrived in front of the classroom of our next period which is music. As we entered I pinched Jungkook on the side. He winces in pain then he asks me what was that all about.

Jiyeon: "I should be asking you that too. What the hell was that all about?"

Jungkook: "What do you mean?" He questions rubbing the part that I just pinched.

Jiyeon: "Hyunjin? I see the way you look at him. Wait don't tell me you're jealous?" I teased him. He looks away. "Oh you are?! I was joking..." He avoids my eyes and walks to his seat. "Wow! You are actually jealous!" I walked to my seat which was behind him. "Why were you jealous?" Before Jungkook could even answer the bell rung cutting me off.

The bell just interrupted me... I was about to get my answer you damn bell! Next time you won't get away Jeon! (Epal kasi tong taenang  Bell nato eh! Sino ba si Bell?! Baka si aling Bell ung kapitbahay namen)

Our friends arrived and the other students one by one entered the room. It went noisy as the amount of students increases.

Hoseok: "Where the did you two went? Did y'all have se--" Namjoon didn't let him finish by pretending to stretch then purposely hits him with the book. "Ow! What the hell was that for you nerd!"

Namjoon: "Shut up you horse! Stop thinking dirty! There are some few pure souls with us!" Namjoon scolded him fixing his glasses.

Hoseok: "What the fuck Joon! First of all I'm too damn handsome to be a horse and second of all I was about about to say secret date not sex you stupid, dirty, smart ass!" He flicks Namjoon's forehead.

Namjoon: "Well then! Sorry!" Namjoon said rather embarrassed.

Jennie: "Anyways where were you guys actually? We kept looking for the two of you around the school and it was tiring you know?" She rolls her eyes.

Yoongi: "Yea right. Imagine Min Fucking Yoongi walking 523 steps just to look for two missing dogs- I mean idiots? What a waste of time, the two of you probably went to the bathroom to just make out--" I cutted him off.

Jiyeon: "Shut the hell up Min! We didn't do anything, we didn't have a secret date, we didn't have sex, we didn't make out! We did nothing for fuck sake!" I said without breathing.

Suddenly I felt two pens hitting my head. Guess who threw it at me? Do I even need to say who? It was Jin oppa and Jisoo unnie. They both glare at me.

Jiyeon: "Where the hell do you both get this much pens just to throw on our heads when we curse?!" I scratched the part of my head that was hit by the pens.

Jisoo: "A lot of reasons. First we clean classrooms and we see a lot of then laying around, second we steal the others, just kidding dumbass, of course we bought them. Stop being an idiot," She shooks her head as if she was disappointed.

Jin: "Anyways they were all getting impatient because we looked around for the two of you! Luckily they calmed down because the kept seeing my handsome faceu!"

Us: "Ew!" We all said in unison. I threw my uniform blazer at his face. He slowly removed it and glares at me with burning eyes. I stood up from my chair getting ready to run.

He slowly approached me. I backed away. He starts chasing me which made me run. He kept chasing me around the classroom which made everyone including people who was watching us laugh.

He tried to hit me with his shoe by throwing it to me but I quickly dodged it. I picked it up and threw it outside the classroom. I heard him yell Hey which made me laugh. He gets it then continues chasing me around while I was laughing.

He kept trying to caught me but he was slowly getting tired. He stops panting while I was laughing at him. Suddenly the door busted open...


Words: 949

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