Chapter two fear of falling

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Imril kept holding onto Alleyen, while I cleaned everything up, unlocked the door, and opened up the curtains in the room. There was a light knock on the door it was easy to recognize the sound of Anariea's hand tapping on the door. I walked over to the door and opened it. There in the doorway stood Anarea, her eyes were bright and shining with happiness.

"We have a new angel." Anarea said and looked over to Alleyen. Alleyen hadn't grown any wings yet, finally Alleyen stopped crying and crawled out of a Imril's arms and placed her feet onto the floor.

"I did the spell mother but nothing happened. I did it the way Angel wanted me too, but no wings. I don't understand." Alleyen said as she looked sad again and looked at the floor to avoid Anarea's eyes.

"Oh my dear child we have so much to teach you yet. We will have a ceremony and then you will earn your wings or stay the same." Anarea said as she smiled brightly at her. Imril stood up from his bed. Anarea's smile grew wider when she caught sight of him.

"You came back to us guardian. I'm glad you did, you're princess has been broken since you left us." Anarea said as she placed her hands on Imril's shoulders.

"I have never left my queen. I have always been here with all of you." Imril said as his mask of no emotions kept it's place.

"Of corse not my child. I had not once thought that you left us completely." Anarea said with a soft laugh. She turned around and her smile disappear when she saw James standing just a few inches in front of her. I could feel my eyes bugging. If James heard all of what was said he may shun Alleyen from her vampire family and throne.

"Daddy what are you doing here?" Alleyen asked trying to sound innocent, but her voice gave all of that away.

"I came to see the boy you killed and think about letting you bring him back or not. But I see that you've gone behind my back and did it yourself!" James yelled.

"Daddy please. I had to do it. I have fallen for this angel and he has fallen for me." Alleyen said as she looked at James then looked up to Imril and smiled up at him. Imril returned a smile to her and then kissed her forehead.

"I've fallen for an angel before, but after you find that they will deceive you, it's easy to forget them. Your the only reason why I came here. It was to fined you and bring you back home Alleyen." James said as he tried to control his anger. Alleyen snorted and rolled her eyes.

"Father I know I'm not the reason for you're coming here. It was because of you're love for Anarea that you came here, it was not because of me so don't break you're own rule. 'One vampire should not lie no matter what they fear.'" Alleyen said as her voice started to show James her own power she holds within her.

"James she's a lot stronger than you. I trust that you know our daughters strength to not make her any more upset then she already is. You have seen-" James cut off Anarea with his own harsh words that cut Anarea deep.

"She is not stronger then me. She is as weak as you are, she has weak blood flowing through her! You have you're child that you wanted to continue on you're blood line and I had mine, but now she's yours!" James shouted as he turned his back for a second.

"Daddy don't do this. I'm both of yours not one or the others. So please don't leave when I need you the most. Please daddy!" Alleyen pleaded as she took one of James' hands into both of hers. Anarea, Imril, and I all looked at her confused. She had been fine when she first got here, but now she needs her father all of a sudden it didn't make any since.

"Alleyen what do you mean? You've been fine up here without me." James said in a hard unmoving voice. Alleyen looked around at all of us and stopped when her eyes met with Imril's eyes.

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