chapter five

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Once I woke up again. I quickly turnd over and woke up JD. "Babe I have to tell you something." I said as I shook him lightly. JD jumpped up and looked over at me.

"Is everything ok Angel?" JD asked as he finally found his voice.

"Everything is fine babe but Phoebe has powers she showed me last night in my sleep." I said with excitment in my voice. JD's eyes grew wide as he looked at me.

"Are you shure?" JD aske as he placed a hand on my cheek.

"Yes I'm sure. Phoebe showed me what she thought and made me feel what she felt. I know it's hard to believe right now but when she's born she'll show you." I said as I smiled down at my stomach. I looked back to JD. "You believe me right?" I asked a little scared that he thinks I've gone insane.

"Of corse I believe you Angel. I always knew our little angels will be very special. JUst like their mother." JD said as he smiled at me and then kissed me deeply. I kissed him back but we where quickly intruppted when someone knocked on the door. JD growled and then got of bed and answered the bed.

"You need to go to the warriors area and get ready you're not allowed to see Angel tell the wedding." Alleyen said as she let herself in. JD ran towards me kissed me and then left. Alleyen pulled me out of bed and towards the bathroom. "Shower and when you're done the hair and make up team will be here." Alleyen said as she pushed me into the bathroom. I stared the shower and then striped off my clothes. I shaved my legs and arm pits, washed my hair and body. Once I was done I put on my fuzzy pink bath robe and walked out of the bathroom. The hair team was there first so they dried my hair and curled it. They pulled back some of my curls and put a sapphire blue bow, they kept my hair down and flowing in curls.

Once they where done the make up team was next. I didn't know how they did my make up cause they wouldn't let me see after that. Once my make up and nails where done Alleyen and the others helped me put on my white ball gown wedding dress. Alleyen put on my new symbols on my cheeks and then placed my tiara with a vail on top of my head. Once she was done fixing everything she backed up to look at me fully.

"You look so beautiful Angel." Alleyen said, I blushed and looked down. Alleyen wouldn't allow me to see myself until JD got to see me.

"Are you ready?" James asked as he walked in and smiled when he saw me.

"Yes." I said nervously. Baby Phoebe showed me that I had nothing to be worried about.

"Listen Angel I know I'm not your father but if you don't mind, I would like to walk. You down the ail." James said as he can up to me and took both of my hands in his. I smiled up at him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Thank you. You walking me down the ail means a lot to me." I said as I watched him closely. He smiled back and then cleared his throat.

"You've been like a daughter to me ever since I first met you Angel and I'll do everything I can to protect you and watch you and baby Phoebe grow." James said as he smiled down at my stomach.

"Awe ok this is so sweet. But we have a wedding to get to." Alleyen said as she giggled. James and I smiled at her and then headed down to the throne room. Alleyen was my made of honor so she went before me and took her place.

I waited for my song she's got style by Never Shout Never to start playing. Once it did James walked beside me. He could tell that my heart rate started to pick up. He made sure I wouldn't fall down or anything like that. Once I made it JD's side evryone became really quite as the resaption started. After the reseption we had the dance and dinner. All night JD acted different from his formal self. I only danced twice. Once with JD and once with James for the father daughter dance.

As it got later in the night the more tired I became. JD carried me to our room knowing that I didn't have the energy to make my feet move. It hit me that some time tomorrow our little Phoebe is to be born. We got to our room and JD set me down. He helped me to get undressed and into my pj's. Once I was in my pj's I layed down and fell asleep quickly. I woke up around 5:30 with stabbing pains in my stomach. I gritted my teeth as I sat up and to find JD gone.

I used mine Alleyen's twin mind link to wake her up. When I knew she was awake I proped myself up in bed. I heard more then one set of feet coming my way. JD, James, Imril, Alleyen, and Anarea came running through the door. JD was at my side before anyone else could get there. 

"We need to get her to a hospital room!" Anrea shouted as James, Imril, and JD picked me up off of the bed. Alleyen grabbed my hand and held onto it. When the next set of pain crashed into my body i sqwized Alleyen's hand and growned. They finally got me into a hospital room and got me all proped up and ready. The castle dactor came in and was there through out the whole thing.

After 5 hours I was finally holding my baby Phoebe in my hands. She already had a full head of hair. Her hair was silver like the color of my wings. She had pale blue eyes, ruby red lips, thick black eyelashes. Her skin tone was a mix of a soft peach and tan. She had very soft white wings, she was beyond beautiful.

"She's so beautiful." JD said as he took her into his arms. I saw a tear start to fall. He gave her a soft kiss on her forehead. Phoebe opened her eyes and then smiled up at JD. "Awe now that's the sweetest smile ever." JD said as he handed Phoebe over to Anarea.

"She takes after both of you." Anarea said as she smiled at JD and I.

"Thanks mom." I said as I kept my eyes on my sweet little daughter as she was passed around to everyone in the group and then finally handed back to me. I was already protective and in love with my daughter. I knew that everyone else loved her already also. Everyone here already wanted to protect her and keep her safe from harm. The one thing I couldn't wait for is to watch Phoebe grow and become a strong young women and then soon to watch her become a queen.

I took Phoebe's little hand in mine and brought it to my lips. When her hand touched my lips Phoebe showed me how she felt being in everyone's arms. She kept showing me JD and how she loved his smile and the love in his eyes when he looked at her. Everyone was watching what was going on.

"Thats cause daddy loves you so much Phoebe just like the rest of us." I said and JD smiled at me and Phoebe. Then Phoebe showed me something else.

"She wants to show you something my love." I said to JD and handed him Phoebe. He took Phoebe into his arms. She grabbed his finger, when he saw whatever Phoebe was showing him his smile grew wide. 

"yes Phoebe I do love you and I love mommy too. Your both my beautiful angels." JD said as he kissed Phoebe's little hand. Phoebe giggled and smiled up at JD. Everyone else had left to let me and JD have time with Phoebe.

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