Chapter seven major battle

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Anarea held me tight for a little bit and then turned back to the group. I walked behind her and then stood by JD.

"Okay so we have the army geared up and ready to go, the dragons are also ready to go. All we need is Angel to lead us. Since it is her daughter and she is queen." Anarea said as she looked at me with sad eyes. I shook my head at her.

"No I won't lead tell Phoebe is home. JD will have to take the lead." I said firmly and then looked over to JD. "I'm not strong enough right now to lead my baby girl was taken away from me and it's killing me." I said mainly to JD. 

"I'll lead my queen you just ride Ruby. I'll make sure everyone knows to leave the Dark Angel in your hands." JD said as he grabbed my hand and then kissed me softly on the cheek. This was it. This is my moment to end the Dark Angel. He has caused me and my family to much pain. 

"He won't get away from me this time. Alleyen and Anarea when we get there go around back of the dark castle, no one should be there. Get in find Phoebe and then get out. Once you three are out find Ruby and then leave. I won't risk losing my mother and sister like I lost my grandmother." I said as I turned to Alleyen and Anarea.

"Yes my queen." Alleyen and Anarea said at the same time. It was strange for them to say that to me but I'll get used to it once my mind is in a better state. I went to the armor room and got dressed in my battle uniform. Once I was ready I walked outside to fined Jd holding onto Ruby. Ruby was dressed in armor aslo to help keep her from getting hurt. I climbed on to Ruby's back and took the lead chain from JD's hands. 

"Anarea you will ride with Alleyen once the battle is over I will be ridding Viper back since you all will have Ruby. Once you get back here make sure you chain Ruby up. If you don't she'll get away and come back to my side and I wont be able to keep my eye on her." I said as everyone climbed up on their dragons.

JD took his place at my side on Shappire's back. Once everyone was in there place we all took to the sky. We flew to the dark angel kingdom. The Dark Angel and his army where waiting for us. They must have figured that we would be coming since he has the new princess. 

"Dark Angel this is your last chance ether hand over my daughter or suffer a painful death!" JD yelled down to the Dark Angel.

"My son I won't die in your hands. You don't have the guts to kill you're own flesh and blood." The Dark Angel yelled back to JD.

"Your right you won't die by my hands. But you will die by Queen Angel's hands!" JD yelled giving our army the signle to attack the dark angels. As the cahos broke out, I kept my eye out for the dark angel. I saw him looking up at me from his spot on his dragon. I drew my sowred and he kicked the sides of his dragon, which carried him into the air.

"So the mighty young queen thinks she can kill me." The Dark Angel said with an evil laugh. I felt my element growing with more and more power as I kept silent. 

"Yes I believe in myself to bring you to your death. I will not let you continue your raid of terror upon my family and my kingdom!" I shouted at him and with out him noticing I threw a ball of ice at the eyes of his dragon which caused his dragon to go blind. The Dark Angel looked at me with pure haterid in his eyes. The Dark Angel flew into the sky leaving his dragon helpless in the air. I put Ruby on the ground when I saw Alleyen and Anarea entering the back of the dark castle.

I spred my wings and took to the air with my sword in hand. The Dark Angel flew right at me and tried to strike me in the ribs but with my hands strong with ice I grabbed the end of his sowrd and shoved him back. I wasn't in the mood to mess around with him for long. Move after move I got more hits in then he did.

We where fighting on the ground now. I had spotted Ruby in the air which meant that Phoebe was with Anarea and Alleyen. The site had me slightly distracted giving the Dark Angel a free hit which he took. His sword hit me behind my knees, knocking me of my balance I fell to the ground. The Dark Angel went in for another hit which I quickly rolled away from it.

The end for now!!

Up next book three The Killing Of An Angel!!

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