Chapter 12: Springlocks

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                     Spring traps p.o.v
"He burnt the place down" I had said to myself. Clever boy, guess he was more clever than I thought. Well, now I'm here and I'm not going anywhere else unless, no no that can't happen, can it.

I prayed to my lord telling me to forgive my sins and let me move on to the next life, but she wouldn't let me go, that stupid Marionette won't let me be free. I sobbed to myself saying,"p-please l-let me l-leave."

I punched the glass of the security office, at least I can move. "I'm sorry Elizabeth, I'm sorry Michael, and I'm sorry to all the kids I've killed, IM SORRY!" I screamed. I couldn't take it I was alone and I couldn't do anything about it.

   But then, there was the blue, there was the blue flames. The bright, ominous, blue flames. "What the-", I was then cut off when I saw a boy floating mid-air.

???: Wow for a middle aged man you cry like a baby William!

Spring trap: Gah, back away demon!

???: Woah Woah Woah I'm just here to help! The names Bipper and I'm making a team of the meanest and scariest people ever to exist on this planet. How's about we make a deal.

Spring trap: But, I have nothing for return, both my son and daughter are dead, and I'm just a rotting corpse! I don't have anything!

Bipper: Is that true, look I've seen a ton of humans in my life but you you've been the must successful when it comes to murder, what I'm saying is I want you on my team. Deal or no deal?

Spring trap: Deal.

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