Chapter 29: Cooking with the main 5.

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Bippers p.o.v

I know what everyone thinks when they all see me!"How are you back?" Well lets just say the deal with me and Pine Tree technically never ended. You know that he shook my hand! Well, anyway back to the story, Pine Tree was really tired, so he went to bed, and he is now currently sleeping in the Mindscape. So I possessed him and now I'm here! Bipper Pines-Cipher at your service! So I was thinking of things I could do with the others, and I thought we should try cooking! It can't be that hard, right! Well I first think I should get Wirtsy, so he can help me. I then thought I should pick just a few people, so I picked Wirt, Finn, Chara, Marco, and Morty! I teleported to Tree Gnomes room, and saw that he was reading a book about the Periodic Tabel."He is to much like Pine Tree!" I thought to myself. At first, he didn't notice I was in his room so I decided to have some F U N! Since his room is basically the forest, I hid in the tree he was leaning against, and waited. He was just about to get up so I got ready to pounce. I inhailed, and then screamed at the top of my lungs saying,"HEY WIRT!" He got so scared that he fell to the ground!"Hahaha, you got scared", I said like I was 4 years old! He started to ask me,"How'd Dipper let you posses him again?" I responded with a simple,"He didn't I stole his body!" He sighed as he asked,"What do you want?" I started to tell him that I wanted to gather everyone to help me cook a feast, and he was okay with the idea surprisingly! I went to Chara next, because she is closer. She was punching her punching bag, and was surprised to see me in this form. That's beside the point though she agreeed and the same thing happened with the other 3. I told them that since it is my first time cooking, I'm gonna need some help. Everything was going great, we were making turkey, mashed potatoes, broccoli and cheese, green beans, and pumpkin pie. It was perfect, until Chara found the knives. She took them and tried to stab Morty, but luckily I stopped her and hid the knives. The feast was going to be great, and I'll make sure to give Pine Trees body back! Maybe!

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