Take Eighteen.

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"Love to see you shine in the night like the diamond you are." K.


I updated Shai, Lydia and the rest about Derick's acceptance of being apart of the company's promotional video and they were ecstatic. I couldn't not roll my eyes at their reactions. Albeit, I had to admit that I knew Derick being apart of the video would be great for the company's exposure. I would just never admit that to him.

The video was scheduled to be shot in the next two days. Not only that, but they were throwing a party, right there at the headquarters afterward, an all invite. I couldn't object, because apparently, I had no say until the contest was over. I wanted to strangle all of them with my bare, naked hands.

Right now, I was inside of the study with Derick and he had me smelling a few samples for his newest scent. He wanted a female's opinion. Truth be told, he chose the right girl. I was utterly obsessed with good smelling male cologne. It was just something about them, so hypnotic, tantalizing. It was so serious for me, I felt like I would take it as far as deeply sniffing a stranger as they walked by.

I gagged, holding my stomach. "That one smells like diapers." Shaking my head, I then pointed to the dump pile. "Dump."

He chuckled. "Okay. I got rid of it. Try this one." Holding out the piece of cloth that he wiped the scent onto in front of me, I leaned forward and slowly sniffed, giving the scent some time to settle in.

The very second that it did, I fell in love. I couldn't explain the scent, but it was much different from anything I've ever smelt before. It was so masculine, but delicate all together. The scent was strong. It wafted through the air and I nearly melted.

"This! Holy shit, what is this?" I grabbed the cloth from his hold and brought it closer to my nose, inhaling deeply. My eyes were shut as I enjoyed the odor. I heard him chuckle, probably at my unusual behaviour but I didn't care.

"Temptation." He easily replied.

"I bet." I mumbled, reopening my eyes, still breathing the scent in every so often. "This can tempt many women, especially women like me who appreciate cologne, to jump a man's bones."

"This is the one that Jacob and my team loves too." He commented before yanking the cloth from my grip. "Jesus, woman, you're damn near an orgasm." He teased.

My eyes widened as I felt heat grow in my neck and cheeks. "Shut up." I muttered, embarrassed. He laughed and I rolled my eyes. "So, you're going with that one, right?"

He nodded. "Definitely. This one is for all the men out there that need help getting their bones jumped." He was teasing again, no doubt.

I probably looked like an airhead candy with red, blooming cheeks. "That's not funny."

His shoulders shook as he laughed. "It kind of is. You're cute when you blush."

I covered my face with my hands. "Oh my God, don't do this." I pleaded. If I thought my body couldn't heat up anymore than it was, I was dead wrong. Whenever I was blushing, if people pointed it out, that would make it ten times worse for me.

"Look at you." I detected a smile in his voice as he said this and there was nothing I wanted more in that moment than to wipe it off of his stupid, handsome face.

"Anyway, did you ever settle that situation with that writer that wrote those weird theories about Jacob and I?" I quickly changed the topic with the first thing that came to my mind.

He seemed a bit thrown off by the sudden change in conversation, but quickly recovered. "Uh, I assume she caught on, considering she hasn't said anything else." He explained, then he began rubbing at the back of his neck. "I was actually thinking we could do something today. We're always in and before, we were always engrossed in our work. So, maybe we could go out today and do something fun. Plus, it would help strengthen our lie about us actually being in love with one another."

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