Take Thirty-Two.

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"I need answers from you." - PARTYNEXTDOOR.


   I never realized what a simple movie and snacks could do for people. As you know, Derick and I watched Mulan II last night and even when it was done, we decided to watch more movies. We got snacks from the kitchen and loved ourselves. It was insane, but that right there made any tension or stiffness we still had going on between us vanish. I guess without actually saying it, that was our way of saying we forgave one another, which was fine by me. Besides his phone ringing off the hook, him ignoring whomever it was and having to eventually put it on silent, everything was perfect.

   Now, today, I was outside doing laps back and forth in the pool. Yesterday was great, but today, my brain felt like it was undergoing an earthquake, what with all of my thoughts and feelings flying around wildly. Of course, they mainly focused on me being pregnant and Derick still being unaware.

   Everything froze for a moment, as if I actually, truly, fully just processed the fact that I was pregnant all over again. I knew it, considering the changes I was experiencing, internally for the most part. However, it still sometimes hit me like a fresh wave.

   Holding my breath, I let myself drop under water. When I came back up, I sighed. The water gave me a sense of comfort. Once my shoulders were bared to the soft breeze that was blowing, I shivered slightly.

   "Hey," The familiar, suave voice called. I swooshed around to see Derick standing there, phone in hand, looking as handsome as ever. How'd he managed to look good one hundred percent of the time was beyond me. It would take way too much effort for me, but for him it was annoyingly effortless.

   "Hi." I smiled politely. We'd just gotten back on good terms, I didn't want to seem overly excited.

   "I was wondering if you wanted to do something today? The fair is open until late tonight. You could invite your friends and I'll invite mine. I think it'll be fun, and yet another sweet way to rub it in Julia's face."

   My smile widened and I nodded. "That actually sounds like an amazing idea." I swam closer to the patio, holding onto it. "I'll be out in a minute. Actually, do you mind calling Lydia and asking?"

   His cheeks actually started to turn pink. "Me? What if she doesn't pick up? What if she asks why I'm calling her?"

   I burst out laughing. "Geez, Lydia isn't some stranger. You two know each other." She especially likes you more since you've impregnated me. "She won't do either of the above; the first one, maybe if she's busy." I shrugged.

   "Fine. But if she cusses me, I will never forgive you for making me do this." He huffed, already pressing buttons on his phone.

   I laughed. "My God, she won't." I assured him one last time.

   Derick disappeared inside after pressing the phone against his ear. Meanwhile, I pulled myself up out of the pool and stalked over to the lounge chair that I'd thrown my towel across. As I wrapped the gigantic cloth around my body, I suddenly felt excitement building up inside of my stomach. Derick was so busy with work these days that he and I hadn't been out together since the promotional party for my company. But that was changing today. What made me even more excited was Lydia and Ian would end up together as well.

   I went inside and Derick seemed just to be attempting to come back outside, until he noticed me.

   "Oh, hey. Good news. They're all in. I was surprised that all of them happened to have a free day at the same time, but who's complaining, right?" He smiled. I loved when he smiled. It made my stomach let loose a shitload of butterflies. Instinctively, my hand twitched to actually rub at my stomach. As a matter of fact, I fought to keep my hand still. Derick would probably look at me like I was an alien if he saw me just start caressing my stomach randomly.

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