Take Twenty-Nine.

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"Heard you got a new car and a big home, owning everything but your mistakes." - Kiiara.


Last night, after Derick rejected my sex before I even offered it, he went to shower and I headed upstairs. I got to reading my novel finally and without further distractions. When he was done showering, I assumed he went into the study and at a point, I was absolutely certain that that's where he went. That was until I got hungry, got up and decided to make myself a sandwich and noticed he was laid out on the couch watching some action movie on Netflix.

Eventually, he came upstairs and joined me in bed. I was still reading, but he chose to interrupt that by dropping a familiar bomb on me, reminding me that we needed to set a date to visit his mother. Not only that, but he also reminded me about the launch party and how that was fast approaching. He still wanted me to be his plus one. I had no problem with that.

Now, it was a new day, an early morning. The sunlight was practically blinding and the various sounds of the birds and crickets outside the bay window gave me a sense of peace. And for some reason, it made me feel like it was going to be a day to look forward to. Derick was downstairs making breakfast and I just hopped out of the shower.

My fingers ruffled my damp hair wildly as I stood in the mirror, giving myself a once over. I watched my own eyes narrow slightly, carefully analyzing my body, searching for any possible changes. Without a second thought, I took a hold of the towel wrapped around my body and pulled it open. I was still naked, having just came out of the shower so it was the perfect opportunity to properly inspect my body.

I focused mainly on my stomach, turning to the side to see if it had started swelling yet. I know it was silly since I was only a little over three weeks, but I couldn't help the curiosity that coursed through my body, through my mind. Throwing the right end of the towel over my shoulder ever so slightly just so it wouldn't drop away from my body completely, I used my now free hand and cupped my lower stomach. It only felt somewhat firm in the palm of my hand.

For some reason, I felt a twinge of sadness. I hadn't started making physical changes as yet. Once again, I knew that I wouldn't start until few weeks later, but still. Regardless, I knew that I didn't have the right to be upset or sad about it, considering the fact that I was aborting the baby, either way. So how dare I want to see myself looking like a mother if I was running away from the opportunity of actually being one?

My thoughts were shattered when I heard the slamming of the front door and then voices, male voices to be exact, were to be heard. It was almost instant that I recognized who they were. It was Ian, Jacob and Matt.

Hurriedly, I ran around the room, gathering appropriate clothing and throwing them on before I practically bolted downstairs. I hadn't seen the guys since the party and that felt like an eternity ago. I actually missed them.

Once I descended the steps, I followed their voices and weren't surprised that they ended up in the kitchen.

"There she is! I was just asking about you." Ian's kind smile was the first thing I noticed upon entering the kitchen. He was such a good looking man. I couldn't wait for he and Lydia to start dating.

"Hi boys." My tone was friendly and welcoming, just like any other time I spoke to them.

"How are you?" Matt asked, leaning against the island, the opposite side of where Derick was situated.

Jacob was bent over only slightly as he scoped out the contents in the refrigerator. That was typical behavior whenever they got here. "How are you, my supposed raunchy rendezvous partner?"

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