Chapter Seven | A Change Of Style

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I'm tired and I think i'm getting sick, but I had a good day. Also I might be going to one of the concerts :00 If anyone else is going, drop your location and date ^-^






You shifted beneath your layers of blankets uncomfortably. You were finding it hard to fall asleep, as every single sleeping position seemed unsatisfying. Whether you were laying on your left side, or you had a leg sticking out, you remained awake.

Tyler laid silently in a sleeping bag to your right, his back facing you. Josh also rested in the same tent as you, along with a few others, but they were all fast asleep. All except you.

You thought about everything that had happened lately. Escaping DEMA, meeting Tyler and Josh, discovering Trench, and experiencing music for the first time. That was probably the best part of your journey so far. You smile at the thought, the beat echoing in your mind once again.

You hum the tune quietly to yourself. You had nothing better to do, after all. Other than stare at the tent ceiling for hours on end.

You glanced over at Tyler's figure, wondering to yourself why he saved you in the first place. If it wasn't for him, you probably wouldn't be here. You wouldn't have met some nice people, you wouldn't have heard such pretty sounds, you wouldn't have even smiled.

You start to feel guilty. So many people could be in this position, but it just had to be you. Out of all the helpless families, and children who feel lost and misplaced, you were the one to be rescued.

"Hey Tyler?"

There was some shuffling as he rolled over to face you. "Yeah?"

You laid on your back, staring up at the tent ceiling rather than looking towards Tyler. "What was that song about? The one you sang earlier."

It was quiet as you waited patiently for a response.

"My grandfather."


When you awoke the next morning, Tyler was gone. You sat up, rubbing your tired eyes and stretching your arms as you let out a silent yawn.

As you scanned the rest of your surroundings, you noticed the tent was empty. Everyone had woken up before you. It's only your second day here, and you've already embarrassed yourself by sleeping in. Wonderful.

After taking time to force yourself to your feet, you hobbled over and pulled open the tent curtain to the side. People hurried around the camp busily, chatter buzzing from all around. It was quite a different sight compared to how peaceful last night had been. Was every morning here like this?

You stepped out, shivering slightly when you came in contact with the chilly air. You glanced from side to side in hope that you would spot a familiar face, but to no luck.  So you headed one way, not even sure of what you'd be heading towards or where you were going.

"Well hello there little lady!" A new voice piped up from behind. You quickly turned around and met eyes with a tall girl. She had brunette hair, which was twisted into a loose braid and rested on her shoulder. She had beautiful green eyes and a huge smile upon her face. The small, yellow flowers dotted within her braid caught your eye. She was pretty.

"How come you're still wearing these boring old clothes?" She gestured to your dull gray sweater and your matching gray slacks. You looked down at yourself, then lifted your head, suddenly feeling embarrassed about you appearance.

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