Chapter 1: Daddy

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It was late.  The boys were late.  Very late in fact.  I'd heard from Sam just after breakfast, but nothing since.  Sam was always better about checking in - this radio silence was weird.  He told me he and Dean should be back at the bunker by late afternoon.  I made diner for the three of us - but had to put it in the fridge for tomorrow so it wouldn't go bad.  I felt the weight of the clock every time it ticked.

Wrenching a beer out of the fridge in irritation, I slammed the door closed, marched to the library, and flopped down at the long table with a huff.  I traced their initials carved into the wood absently with my finger - scowling, I got back up.  Neither Dean's nor Sam's phones were working.  Both went straight to voicemail, and had since lunch.  Dean had forgotten the extra phone again, much to my annoyance.  I heard it ringing from his desk when I called it earlier this afternoon.  'Damn it.' I whispered.  I stomped around the room - picking things up and slamming them back down.  Anger was a thin veil for bone-crushing worry.

Sam and Dean had been gone for a few weeks, on a particularly hard case.  They were chasing Jefferson Starships, or so Dean had named them years ago.  That was extra upsetting - those things had only been around when Eve was making them, and they had ganked her way before they found me. Sam assured me this morning that they found the nest last night and had gotten them all this time.  He promised.  Hopefully it was just a nest of leftovers, as Dean called it.  I collapsed back in my chair and picked irritably at a loose edge on my beer label.  Where could they be?

I was tired.  I never rested well when they were gone.  Dean and I met a little over a year ago, when he and Sam had saved me from a vampire.  I'd been huddled in a fetal position, crying hysterically, when Dean's strong hands had scooped me off the blood-smeared floor.  I'd clung to him like he was life itself.  He was and I knew it.  We'd hit it off almost immediately.  Dean and I dated on and off, but he was hard to communicate with, as you can imagine.  He tried to end things early on, but I would have none of that nonsense.  I could see it for what it was.  Fear.  We made it through the rough patches, and eventually I moved in to the bunker.  It had driven him nuts with me in my own apartment.  He and Sam had taken turns camping outside my door at night.  When I discovered the surveillance, I'd given up and packed my things. 

Sam had shown me the Men of Letters file system and I became the lead researcher - since I stayed in when they hunted. I wished so much, that I could have met Bobby - this was no easy job. There's only so much reading a person can do for weeks at a time, and I was exhausted. I finished off my beer and just sat.  The antique clock ticked loudly. The lights felt too bright.  My eyes wouldn't stay open.  I decided to lay my head down - just for a minute.  I would rest, then try their phones again.

I was awakened by gentle jostling. I was being carried. My eyes refused to open - I was so sleepy. Reaching up questioning fingers, I gently touched a scruffy face. "Daddy?" I asked in a small voice and a frown.

A low rumble of a chuckle and "No, but I like it. A LOT." The smell of him hit me. Leather and the wild, sharp smell of blood. Cheap hotel soap that couldn't get it all off, and Baby's unique smell that old cars get. Under it all, was Dean's own scent. Sweet and warm and himself. I came to and wrapped my arms around his neck in relief. He adjusted my weight in his arms and hugged me back.

I jerked away and half-shouted, "SAMMY!"

From the room Dean had just walked past, a scoff laugh and Sam's smiling voice answered, "I'm here Doll Face, no worries." 

I collapsed against Dean's shoulder and smiled up at him. "I could get used to this." The next thing I knew, I was launched through the air. I squeaked in surprise, and landed on the bed with a laugh.

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