Chapter one - Their First Encounter

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I've just been sat in a stuffy, bleak and smelly office for about 2 hours signing a contract.

I'm now signed for the next 2 years to Capitol Records through my manager Matt Emsel.

Matt manages 4 other acts including a punk rock band called 5 Seconds of Summer some Australian boy band, who became famous through posting covers on You Tube.

Matts snapped me out of my daydream about watching the Being Human series as we were walking down the long, dark, and brightly painted corridor.

'It's a great day for the label' and they've decided to celebrate with a 'record party' where everyone from Capitol Record team, including other acts from the label have been invited'

To me a party meant food, which meant eating, which was one my favourite past times.


It started at 7, but I was the special guest so I would arrived an hour later at 8, in a grand entrance as Matt described it, which basically meant all eyes were going to be on me.

I mean I'm a singer but I didn't like to be centre of attention at unnecessary events so this event was going to be a little more stressful than my usual daily routines.

I was dressed and ready to go.

It took me a good couple of hours, which included poking, prodding and endless messing with my hair from a stylist, who was too busy talking so I didn't quite catch her name. Maybe It was Lucy.

We settled on a simple short black dress with my naturally dark brown curly hair falling down my back.

If I had the opportunity to shave my hair off I would. It's a pain to control and an even bigger pain to style.

My shoes were my signature gold heals that were a gift from Chanel a few months ago.

The car arrived at 7:30pm. I was panicking. What if I fell down the stairs or something. I couldn't do this.

I'm good at acting I could just play being ill, which could work and get me out of the party and get me a few days off radio interviews, which would then give me time to write a few new songs. I could totally roll with that.

There were three rapid knocks at the door which startled me.

I went to answer it and found it was Matt.

"You look beautiful, are you ready?" He said glancing at me in my very short black dress and the golden purse in my hand, he then gestured back at the car and said,

"Your carriage awaits!"

"Yeah great, but I just feel really ill. I don't think tonight is a good idea Matt. Just go without me" I said in my best 'please don't make me do this' voice and gave him my best puppy eyes.

"No way. Tonight is for you. You have to be there!" He said as he began to lead me out to the car.

I turned to him with a serious face to warn him I'm not messing around with what I was about to say.

"Okay but I'm not staying all night. I'll just show my face for like an hour then leave. Okay?" I put my purse down on the seat beside me as Matt got in and sat opposite me.

"Besides my flat is a total mess and it needs cleaning at some point before the weekend." I stared at Matt trying to make it look like I actually cared about the state of my apartment.

To be perfectly honest I don't. I will literally live in mess, obviously organised mess.

"I'll get you a cleaner to come tidy tomorrow morning." He said as he gestured to the driver to set off.

This was the third time I'd been to a party in a limo. I could totally get use to this. The car itself was amazing. It came with free alcohol and nibbles. What more could a girl want!

The drive to the venue took about 20 minutes which was spent in complete silence until we got there when Matt explained what was gonna happen throughout the night.

"Walk in behind me, shake peoples hands, introduce yourself, eat and have fun." He tried to make the event sound a little more bearable that it actually was going to be.

The venue was an old building, which the label always used for events. It was a Victorian style building with the long white windows and old railings leading up the stone steps to massive wooden doors. I looked liked something out of a fairytale.

It was truly beautiful.

I stood at the top of the stairs that lead down into the large, elegantly decorated hall, ready to be 'presented'. I was truly terrified.

"Miss April Harper." The guy who worked for the company as a receptionist called and people started cheering far too loudly and it made me jump, and obviously I almost fell. The night hadn't even started and I was already marked for death, but I guess that was my cue to walk.

The whole night was surreal. I don't remember much apart from the 5 seconds of summer boys, who didn't look too bad. There were other guys who were easy on the eyes there as well, but I didn't really feel up to mingling.

Towards the end of the night Matt introduced me to the 5 seconds of summer boys. They were four very cute Australian guys who had taken the world by storm through supporting One Direction on their world tour.

"This is Michael, Calum, Luke and Ashton." He said as I shook each of their hands along with giving them each a polite smile.

"Your gonna be supporting these guys on their tour that starts in a few days." He said far more enthusiastically than I would have like.

"What! Oh um. That's great. I'm excited!" I said trying to sound just as enthusiastic as Matt, but I was I total shocked.

Why hadn't he told me? I'm not sharing a tour bus with four guys I don't know anything about. I hadn't even packed!

"It's going to be great. We really can't wait to get to know you. Um I mean we've listen to your music, It's really beautiful." The guy called Ashton laughed and blushed as he looked away from me, then said,

"I'm just gonna shut up before I embarrass myself anymore than I have."

Michael then spoke as he winked at Ashton.

"Your music is great and it's gonna be great having a girl on tour with us. We're gonna have fun!" He smiled sweetly then shot a glance at Calum and winked.

"Yeah. Um I'm really excited too! I've been waiting to properly travel and go on a tour and I've heard your music too. It's really um ..."

I paused to think about what I was gonna say next because I'd never properly listened to their music.

"It's deep."

The truth was i'd only listen to their demos in the studio and it wasn't my type of music but it was good, well they were selling albums and making money so it must be.

They seemed to be more into the punk/rock style of music, whereas I was more into singer/songwriter, Ed Sheeran style of music.

The night was slow and depressing, but it ended at 1am and I had managed to stick the party out until the end of the night, which meant I could go home and sleep in my pig stye of an apartment.

I finally got into my apartment at around half past , and headed straight to bed, after a quick shower, but not bothering to wash my hair.

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