Chapter Four - The Flight To LA

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The flight to LA was taking forever.

I've decided if this is what travelling is like, I'm never doing this again.

I've slept for most of the flight, probably about 5 hours, but have only read for 2 hours, much to my disappointment.

I was sat in the back right hand corner of the first class cabin and I had a booth with Jack, who was trying his best to keep me distracted from the long flight.

I was sat at the window seat so I could admire the very extensive view.

The 5 seconds of summer boys were to my right with Michael and Ashton sharing one booth in the centre of the cabin and Calum and Luke sharing the booth on the far right of the plane.

I hadn't realised until now that Ashton had a perfect view of me as he was sat diagonally opposite me. I couldn't help but glance over at him every once in a while.

He had now caught me looking at him and smiled his signature toothy smile, also showing his very sexy dimples, which I couldn't help but smile back at.

Then the worst thing imaginable happened.

He came over and sat in the booth next to me and struck up a conversation with Jack.


"Morning sleeping beauty!" He said about ten minutes later, resting his head on the screen smiling at me after Jack had left to talk to his Dad.

"Morning Ashton. What time is it?" I asked avoiding eye contact by staring at my bag.

"Well, it's about 8pm in England and er 1am in LA! Just to confuse you" He winked, to which I just rolled my eyes.

"Great, So what's the plan when we get there?" I asked as I began to root through my bag trying to find my phone charger.

"Well Matt said we get to spend the day settling into our bus then we have sound check for a concert tonight."

At this point I was beginning to become quite irritated that I could find my charger.

"I can't wait to play to the LA fans they're really great!" He said with enthusiasm before realising I was struggling to find something from my bag.

"Um ... Are you looking for something?" He asked delicately as if I was going to be offended by his question.

"Um yeah, I can't find my charger" and by this point the contents of my bag was emptied onto the floor.

"Borrow mine!" He lent over to Michael and tapped him on the shoulder, who then paused playing on his Nintendo DS and handed him a charger.

He then threw it at me, which I managed to catch, considering I'm terrible at sports. I looked at it and smiled at him.

"Thanks!" I said nodding at him.

"No problem! I'll let you repack your bag!" He giggled as he point at the floor of my booth.

I smirked and then went to sit on the floor to repack my bag.

During the last couple of hours of the flight I went to the bathroom to change into my dress, that I packed for when we landed.

It was was so much more comfortable than skinny jeans. I also tied my hair into a loose pony tail and freshened up a little so I didn't look I had been on an eight hour flight.

As I walked back to my booth I noticed Ashton was sat there and as I approached, Jack looked up at me before glancing at Ashton.

"Can you go sit in Ashton's seat for a bit? We're kinda chatting about stuff" he raised his eyebrows giving me a questioning look.

The cheek.

I had been gone for 20 minuets and return to find Jack trading our friendship for a 'chat' with Ashton.

I spun on my heels and grunted before turning to Michael, who was now sat playing with his X-Box One, who did a double take and paused his game.

I flopped down into Ashton's booth and sighed. I guess I was pretty exhausted, or just bored, but either way maybe I should sleep it off.

Sleep literally solves everything.

Michael then leant over the divider and smiled.

"What's up?" He asked with a surprisingly chirpy voice.

"Dunno, I guess I'm annoyed Ashton is sat in my seat." The truth was, I was tired.

"I thought it was something serious!" He laughed. Really? God he's going to be annoying on this tour.

"Urgh, whatever I'm gonna go to sleep." I mumbled grabbing Ashton's Beats, pressed play and turned in the chair to get comfy.

"You look beautiful by the way." I heard faintly from Michael as I began to drift off to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later in LA to someone shaking me awake.

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