Chapter Five - The First Of Many Nightmares

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It was Jack who woke me up, much to my relief.

He told me we had landed and then practically carried me to the baggage reclaim lounge where he made me sit against a wall.

The 5 seconds of summer boys we're also sat somewhere attempting to wake up.

He returned a few minuets later with a coffee, which he handed to me, before sliding down beside me.

We sat in silence as we watched a few airport staff gather our luggage into a golf buggy type vehicle to then drive towards the exit.

He then broke the silence.

"They're nice guys April, you can trust them." I turned to look at him before leaning my head on his shoulder.

"And I want you to call no matter the time or place. Okay?" He then slipped his hand onto the small of my back and began rubbing small circles soothingly.

"I'm gonna miss you." I whispered.

After saying my goodbyes to Adam and Jack, who had hired a car which they picked up round the front entrance of terminal B, I headed to the coach car park where our tour buses were.

Matt, Greyson and two crew members were sharing one tour bus, much to my disappointment, leaving me to share with the boys and Danielle our stylist.

When I got to my bus, I headed straight for my bunk. I had arrived last which left me the only option of the bunk opposite Ashton on the top right-hand side.

For some reason the boys stated the two other bunks where 'claimed' by their suitcases.

After all the luggage and equipment was loaded the bus set off for our first venue.

I slept until 5 in the afternoon, American time, until I heard the screaming.

The screaming always comes when I'm sleeping.


*flashback / dream*

Tommy is dragging the little boy who is terrified about what is about to happen next, knowing full well what Tommy is like.

The kid was maybe only 12 years old, a little older than my own brother.

What made it worse was the fact that they're both similar in that they both have sandy coloured hair, brown eyes and a rounded face. The only difference was my brother was safe at home with my parents, but this kid, I think his name is Josh, didn't have parents.

Tommy murdered them two years ago.

Tommy grabbed his shoulder and raised a gun to his head.

I tried to free myself from someone's grasp.

"April, please just calm down" he lent in to whisper to me, and I instantly recognised the voice as Jay, my ex, who comes with an extremely long story.

Thats when I tried to elbow him the ribs, so he covered my mouth with a cloth and that's when everything went black and I heard the defining sound of the gun shot.


I woke up shaking, sweaty and scared to a worried looking Michael watching me.

"It's okay your safe" he said sympathetically as he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze before letting it fall back onto the bed.

I sat up in shock, panting and dazed, before staring at him in confusion.

What the hell had he just seen for him to say that?

"Um, how long have you been standing there?" I muttered staring at my hands.

"I dunno. I guess long enough to hear the screaming." He said softly.

I kept my gaze on my hands.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He said as he lifted my chin to face him.

I shook myself free as it reminding me a little of the dream.

I then jumped down from my bunk and headed to the door.

"No thanks Michael." I said pausing in the door way, then turned to face him and found him staring at the bunk I had just gotten out of.

"Thanks though" I gave him a small smile when he turned to face me.

I then headed to find Matt.

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