Chapter Six - My History With Tommy.

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I wondered round the venue in pursuit of Matt, whom I couldn't find anywhere.

I found myself on the left wing of the stage just staring out at the empty venue, thinking about Jay.


We'd broken up 2 weeks ago after he hadn't stopped or put up a fight against Tommy, when he held a gun to Josh's head.

We were in Italy when it happened, somewhere in the north, maybe Florence.

I remember it being a crowded city with beautiful architecture on every building we waked past, the smell of the food and of course the ice-cream.

'That day' had started off really romantically.

Jay took me out for breakfast on a canal boat or was it a gondola?

I remember eating the fluffiest waffles with the most beautifully silky chocolate sauce.


For the rest of the day we walked around the city walking into random little shops or boutiques with Jay buying me as much useless shit as possible without me trying to kill him for it.

It was the sweetest thing Jay had done. I loved how he use to spoil me constantly, and without hesitation or reason.

We ended up at a cute little Italian restaurant on the roof of an incredibly tall building.

Jay's scared of heights so the fact he took me to a place like that was one of the reasons I fell in love with him.

He was selfless.

As we got to dessert Tommy showed up and things got ugly. I don't really understand how he knew we were in Italy,

Jay's really talented at covering our tracks so nobody usually finds us.

We're both wanted dead by various people, Tommy being one of them, again another long story.

He came in dragging Josh by his hair holding a gun to his temple. He looked pretty pleased with himself, but that's just how Tommy is.

The conversation between Tommy and Jay was a bit of a blur and then there was the shooting, which just complicated everything.


"April what's up?" Ashton said from his drum kit that sat behind me, and it snapped me out of my day dream or in this case, nightmare. I hadn't noticed him come on to the stage.

"April?" He asked, sounding concerned as he slowly walked over to me.

"Oh um ... Yeah, I um ... I was looking for Matt actually. You haven't seen him have you?" I said trying to avoid eye contact and gave him a little smile so he didn't see the terrified look on my face.

"Hmm. Oh yeah I saw him on his tour bus erm five minuets ago." he said whilst rubbing his neck with one hand and spinning a drum stick in the other.

"Oh okay. Great. Thanks!" I smiled and turned in the general direction of the tour buses when Ashton grabbed my arm.

"Hey, um ... Listen I was um ... wondering if you um ... wanted to do something um ... later?" He struggled to final say,

"Um ... but not just with me I mean ... like with the boys!" He added as I looked at him in confusion.

"Um, well in that case ... sure. Looking forward to it!" I smiled and turned to leave, and he let me.

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