I haven't updated in a while. •3•
Do people think I'm dead?
Anyways, heya! Band has taken over my life! I had practice yesterday, almost a football game today, and I have a marching contest tomorrow.
Save me.
In the dreaded meantime, I've been bingeing My Hero Academia on Hulu! Idk why, but I'm gay af for Bakugo.
https://youtu.be/fA0XmlvFsg0 - So This Is Basically My Hero Academia (for anyone who doesn't know what it is. I totally recommend it, it's great.)
I haven't drawn much lately. :/ Just haven't had to urge to, which kinda sucks.
It's also been raining a lot for Autumn! It's been raining so much that we once had to march in the rain for halftime then leave!
Gotta love band.
Since this came full circle, might as well end it here. Not much has happened. :/
I love you all, and I'll see ya later! ✌️✌️