Chapter 1 (Where is Crystal?)

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        Something ain't right, I heard it in her voice. What she say? She just said she loves us and she'll see us soon. Now it's going straight to voicemail. I know Crystal, that ain't like her. Maybe her phone dead, Brit said. You don't know Crystal like I do. I heard it in her voice something wasn't right. What you think happened? I don't know but im sure it got something to do with Keenan ass. What you know about him? I just know what he put Crystal through, that's it. We talked for a few months but we didn't get serious or nothing. That was before I knew the history behind the 2. We need to find a way to get in touch with her. You know the Ashton dude? I met him once but that's it. Fuck! She didn't say where she was? No, she just said she loved us. What about the Darrian guy? Yeah, I met him before. He owns the night club Climax. Lakendra pulled her phone out and looked up Climax. Thank you for calling Climax, can I help you? Hi, im looking for the owner Darrian. I'm sorry, he's not available right now. I'm his business partner, maybe I can help you. I was looking to do business but I only wanna do business with Darrian. I understand that but im sure I can help you. If you can't get me Darrian, you can't help me. I'm sorry, Darrian passed away. What? Yeah, he died of a heart attack. Ok, thank you. What they say? He died. What? She said he died of a heart attack. That can't be right, Brit said. He around our age, in shape, and by the way he used to fuck Crystal, I highly doubt he had a heart condition. So the bitch lied to me? Yeah, I know for a fact that's a lie. Something going on and im not liking it. I hate she went out there alone. Me too but she insisted on going alone. Crystal the type of woman that always wanna do shit alone. Even when she knows it's not safe, she still rather handle it alone. When she say shit like that, you gotta ignore her. She stubborn as hell and hardheaded. What we gon do? Looks like we going to New York. And then what? Need to find Crystal and make sure she ok. We need a solid plan before we go, Brit said. Who else Crystal dealt with that we can get in touch with? I can try the stripper dude, Q. He owns this place called DJ's. For real? That used to be our spot. I'll look it up and get the number. DJ's! Hi, im looking for the owner Q. This is he. How you doing? I'm doing ok and you? I'm pretty good myself, Brit said. I'm calling because im looking for my friend. Who is your friend? Crystal, you know her right? Yeah, I know her. Have you talked to her? Not lately I haven't. Is something wrong? No, I was just trying to get in touch with her. I know y'all cool so I figured you may have heard from her. Oh, naw I haven't. Ok, thank you for your time. His ass lying, Lakendra said. How you know? I heard it all in his voice. Pack up, we going to pay his ass a visit. Jayson, we need to talk to you. What's up? We have to go to New York for a few days. Why? Crystal wants us to come there. You talked to her? I been calling her and it's going straight to voicemail. Her phone probably dead, I talked to her earlier. Pack a few things and we'll be leaving soon. So what's the plan? We gon go to DJ's, have a talk with Q, and get some answers. What if he telling the truth? I know a few people that can help us out. Here's the thing tho, Lakendra said. I need you to be the front person. Why? If I get caught in New York, that's my ass. I'm not understanding, Brit said. Keenan threatened my life and Crystal's that if I came back, we both dead. I don't wanna risk my life or Crystal's if she's ok. What if she's not? I swear if something happened to her, im raising all kind of hell. I remember her telling me, Keenan had all kinds of people working for him. We need to make sure we careful and watch every move we make. Keenan gotta cop working for him name Officer James. He had Crystal credit cards traced and that's how Keenan brother found us in Florida. We need to use cash only everywhere we go. Ok, we know to have Officer James on our hit list. Have you seen Keenan wife before? No, Brit said. She need to be next to last on our list. We should get her and Keenan at the same time, Brit said. If we come after her, Keenan will know we coming for him too. We'll figure out the rest as we go.

      What else you know? I never really met anybody she dealt with other than Darrian and Ashton. I only met Ashton once but she told me good things about him. I don't wanna know good things, Lakendra said. I wanna know something helpful that will help us find him. I know he does a lot for the community so asking around would help. I also know he works for a spa, not too sure about the name tho. You know where it's at? No, I just know it's a hotel across the street from it. They used to meet up there sometimes. We can just look for a spa directly across from a hotel. What else? The cop Keenan had working for him was her friend's partner. Officer Terrell? Yeah, that's him. She went to James to help catch who killed him. She went back to him trying to help some girl she met. Who? Her name Olivia, Crystal wanted to help her get out of jail. I told her don't go back to New York trying to help her. Once she talked to James, he told her she was the number one suspect for Keenan being found dead. So he told her that to scare her knowing he working for him? Yeah, she tried to make him think it wasn't her. She told him Keenan made a lot of enemies so it could have been anybody. So far we need to talk to Q, find Ashton, and talk to the cop. Talking to the cop not a good idea, Lakendra said. Why not? He's a cop that's working for Keenan. Meaning, he don't have no emotional attachment to Crystal. Q and Ashton knows Crystal better and have some type of soft spot for her. If Ashton really liked Crystal like she say he did, he'll give us more than enough information. I know for a fact he was into her, Brit said. When I first met him, I could tell by the way he looked at her he was in love with her. She asked him time and time again if he knew somebody named Keenan. He don't know him at all. What makes you think he wasn't lying? He was raised in a church, he's very holy, and churchy. Crystal doubted him and his intentions since they first met. Time and time again he reassured her that he was sincere. She cheated on her husband with him. I know how much she loved her husband so for her to put her marriage at risk for him, I knew the feeling was mutual. So we need to find Ashton first, then Q. What you know about him? I know Keenan paid him to give her AIDS, he was very apologetic afterwards, and they connected on a deeper level once she got pass it. We need to know his weakness and what's gon make him talk. If he working for Keenan or have worked for him, he knows something. Only thing we can target is his guilt of what he did. He knew his sister is married to Keenan. He didn't wanna say anything because he didn't want Crystal to think he had anything to do with what she went through. The same for Darrian. He didn't know Crystal dealt with Keenan. Once he found out, he made sure she didn't think he was in on it too. She kept saying Darrian was nothing like Keenan. Darrian don't even claim Keenan as his little brother. Hell I wouldn't either, Lakendra said. After we get some information from them, then we can move on to the next person. I have an idea, Lakendra said. What? We might have to include Jayson in all of this. We can't get him caught up in all of this. Didn't somebody try to kill y'all at one point? Yeah, Brit said. Well he already caught up in this shit. How can we use him tho? He don't know nothing and he haven't met anybody. That's the point, he's a fresh face. That's exactly what we need. People gon be on the fence about talking to us. If something happened to her, they'll talk to her son more than us. They not gon expect no suspicions shit from a teenager. Yeah, that's a good point. We have to make sure we use him wisely. If something happens to him, Crystal will never forgive us. It's cool, I know the right people to hit up to protect us. It's this guy name Spider, we've known him for 11 or 12 years. He was craaazy about Crystal back in the day. He'll do whatever for her, I mean what-ev-er. All Crystal had to do was call him, drop a name, and that was it. I know if I go to him and say anything about Crystal, he gon lose it. I know without a doubt he gon protect us. I'm just hoping her phone dead and she ok. Yeah, me too. I spent 3 years away from her, not knowing if she ok or not. I swear if something did happen to her, everybody getting killed. Everybody she dealt with gon pay for it, period. Even if they didn't have shit to do with it, off with they head.

    What kind of people you know? What you mean? We gon need some smooth talking people and people with power on our side. All I know is thugs who can scare information out of people. You can't scare people who don't have shit to lose. I know a few people that know people with power, Brit said. I've worked with a few people who will be willing to help. We need to be making some moves while we on this plane. Make a few phone calls, see what you can do with the little information we got. Hi, Steven this Brittany. Hey Brittany, how you been? I've been pretty good and yourself? I'm still living so I can't complain. How is the wife? She's good, spending all my money. I'm calling because I needed a favor. Anything for you, Steven said. I need some information on someone. Who? His name is Ashton; I don't know his last name tho. He does a lot of charity work and stuff for the community. I think he did something for the organization your wife works for. The name sounds familiar, Steven said. I just need to know where does he work. I know he works for a spa but I don't remember the name. It's like 15 spas in New York, I don't wanna call all of them looking for him. Let me check and ill get back to you. Ok, thank you. I called this guy I worked with a few months back. I think Ashton did some charity work for the organization his wife works for. He said he'll check and get back to me. I've been out of the loop for so long, I don't even know where to start. It's cool, ill be the front person and you can be the brains of it all. I don't know these people like you do nor do I know New York like that. I was only there for a few months before I met Crystal. How did y'all meet anyway? I met Jayden in Vegas about 5 years ago. I styled him for an event he went to. He reached out to me to design a dress for Crystal. He wanted to propose in a unique way. He gave me her measurements, what she liked, and her style. I started designing the dress while he was away in Spain. Crystal wasn't ready to be official with him like that. He told me to stop making the dress until everything was good. A few days later, he told me to start back making it. Once he came back from Africa, he brought Crystal to my shop. He told her I wanted her to model some clothes or whatever. We went back to the dressing room and she put on the wedding dress. I suggested she go show Jayden how she looked in the dress. When we came out of the dressing room, he was on bended knee. Crystal just broke down in tears. Damn, I hate I missed that moment. She never thought she would get married, Lakendra said. Yeah, that's what she told me. Hold on, he calling back. What you got? Didn't get too much on him but he does works at a spa at 361 Duffy Lane. You don't have a number on him? She lost the number. Ok, thank you. What we got? Only got the spa he works at. It's on 361 Duffy Lane. I know that address, we use to go to the spa when we were younger. That's our first stop, Brit said. 

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