Chapter 4 (Move In Silence)

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      Where Jayson? Dropped him off at the mall, Brit said. What's the plan? Spider gon get 2 or 3 girls to help make some moves. Since Keenan know what we both look like, we can't make too many moves without getting caught. Once Spider get us the girls, we gon use them to distract the guard tonight. While they doing that, we gon check out the cameras. Hopefully it won't take us too long to find the tape. Jayson gon ride with Spider so he can keep an eye on him. We only gon use him if we have to. When we do use him, we gon make sure he protected. We have to tell him what's going on tho, Lakendra said. I know, I was thinking that too when he asked where Crystal was. What you say? I just told him she went out of town to take care a few things. I didn't know what else to say. So what we gon do about everybody? As far as the cop, Spider got that covered. How? We have a friend that's a cop now. We gon use him and his connects to take out everybody. What else can we do? The bitch at the club ain't no problem, Lakendra said. I actually wanna use her too. How? If she friends with Q sister, she got a lot of useful information. How we gon get her to talk? That's where Jayson come in at. I'm not understanding, Brit said. Jayson a good looking boy, any girl would fall for him. He sweet talk her, get close to her a little, and get information out of her. I don't think that's gon work. Nobody never saw him right? Naw, Brit said. Well it will work then. She won't find anything suspicious about it if he play his cards right. With my coaching, I know he'll be fine. We need to tell him what's going on. Let's go get him, Brit said. We can take him out to eat or something before telling him.

     I'm loving New York so far, Jayson said. I see you did a lot of shopping, Brit said. I'm not sure if you came shopping for clothes or bitches, Lakendra said. What can I say? These New York women feeling the kid. You wanna get something to eat? Sure, Jayson said. We need to talk to you about something. About what? It's about Crystal. What about her? Both Lakendra and Brit hesitated to answer the question. Is she ok? She was actually killed, Brit said. WHAT! That's why we came out here? Yeah, we didn't know how to tell you. We doing everything we can to find whoever did this. Was it Keenan? How you know Keenan? I heard y'all say his name a few times before. I remember one-night hearing Crystal cry out his name in her sleep. What you mean? I'm sure she was having a bad dream. I was gon wake her up but my dad made it to her before I could. What y'all doing to get justice? We doing everything we can. Why y'all didn't go to the police? We really wanted to do this on our own, Brit said. Y'all can get her cop friend to help. Who? His name is Officer London, he helped figured out who burned our house down. He called me not too long ago. Why? Every since the funeral, he would call and just check on us. I'm sure he would wanna help if I tell him. Before you call him, we need your help. With what? It's this girl who might know more about what happened to Crystal. We need you to be yourself and get her to tell you something. I can do that. Jayson listen to me very carefully, Lakendra said. You have to be very careful on what you say and do. This girl might be working for Keenan too. You can't let her know who you really are. I don't think he ready for this, Brit said. I can do this, I wanna do this. This Keenan guy took everybody I ever loved from me. My dad, my sister, now Crystal. I can't let him just get away like that. We gon come up with a plan and make sure you protected. I have a friend that's protecting all of us. You can call the officer back.

      Hey London! What's up Jayson? You busy? A little but I can talk for a minute. It's about Crystal. What about her? She was killed. What? Yeah, im just now finding out. What happened? I'm not really sure but I know that Keenan guy behind it. Are you sure? Yeah, im sure. Where are you? In New York with Brit. Ok, im gon come out there probably tonight or early in the morning. I wanna know everything you know. Ok. I'll hit you back later today. What he say? He said he'll be here tonight or early in the morning. He wanna know everything I know. When he meet you, we'll give him the details that we have so far. Hold up, Lakendra said. Spider what you got? I got the girls and Speedy gon meet us in about 10 minutes. Where? That hotel we was at. Cool, we got Jayson on board too. I'll fill you in when we meet. Cool, see you in 10. What he say? He got the girls, we meeting at the hotel again in 10 minutes. What's going on? We don't want you involved in this part, Lakendra said. I'm already involved so I might as well be all the way involved. We'll tell you everything later. First, we need to go to Climax. What's the plan, Brit asked? We gon go check out the place, check out the girl, and pretend like we wanna do business or something. The whole time, Jayson I want you to be kind of giving her the flirty eye. I don't think that's a good idea, Jayson said. Why not? What about Keenan's wife? What you know about her? I heard Crystal talking a lot about him and his wife. His brother owns Climax right? Yeah. So if we go there, im sure either his wife or his brother is there. If they see either one of y'all, make out who y'all is, the whole plan can be ruined. Damn, he gotta point. If im going to do this, I need to do it alone. I don't want you doing this alone, Lakendra said. We really don't want you involved in this at all. I can handle this, trust me. Nobody never saw me before so they won't know who I really am. What about Keenan brother that use to do Crystal hair? Whenever he came over, I wasn't there. If I was, I never came around him. Y'all focus on everything else, ill focus on the friend. Ok, just get all you can out of her. I can do that, Jayson said. Drop me off at the club and y'all can take care of something else.

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