Chapter 12 (Trigger Fingers)

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I want you to testify against Keenan. That's it? There's more but testifying is the main goal. Testifying for what? What he did and what y'all help him do. Who is y'all? Don't play dumb Merlo, you know exactly what im talking about. Hold on for a second, Lakendra said. What's up? Plan in motion, Jayson whispered. Where you at? The police station with a friend. What type of friend? Female companion. Ohhhh, what y'all doing there? She wanted to come do the right thing and needed my support. Wow! That was mighty nice of you. When we finish here, ill see you back at the house. I'll meet you at the park near the house. Ok, see you then. Sorry about that, Lakendra said while putting her phone down. So, what you want me to do? What you willing to do? I'll do whatever to see my kids again. Sooo you'll take him out if I asked you? I don't know about all of that. What if I tell you he the reason Pebbles left in the first place. What? Keenan knew about all the money his wife paid you. He wasn't happy she gave you that much. He wanted it back so he figured why not get her to take it while you were gone and give it back to him. Keenan wouldn't do that to me. How can you be so sure about that? Didn't he kill his brother? What you know about that? Let's just say I know enough. What makes you think he won't do the same to you if it came down to it? I just know he wouldn't do that to me. I get it, it's different between y'all. You and Keenan been close since y'all were kids. Did everything together right? I guess you could say that. Yeah, y'all were like partners in crime. The brother he killed didn't really fuck with y'all like that. Where you getting all this from? That's not important right now. You said you'll do anything to see your kids again. I wanna know, would you kill him to safe they life? If it came down to it and my back was against the wall, I would. That's all I needed to know. Wait, Merlo said while grabbing Lakendra wrist. When can I see my kids? I'll let you know when that time comes. In the meantime, this meeting and conversation never happened. If he mysteriously finds out about it, your kids will mysteriously end up dead. I'll be in touched.

      So what happened? I met up with her, she was telling me about this nightmare she keeps having. She said she wanted to do the right thing but doing that right thing could put her life in danger. I told her I had a friend that's a cop and could help her. I took her to see Officer London. He still here? Yeah, he was determined to help in some kind of way. When we met up with him, she told him everything. What he say? He said all she had to do was get some solid evidence and he could arrest Keenan. Damn, that need to wait. Why you say that? I got one of his brothers on our side. How? I got a picture of his kids and made him think I had them. He said he was willing to kill Keenan if it came down to it. Do you know where his kids at? No, but I know somebody that do. As long as he on our side, we got Keenan. Where Brit? I been trying to call her. That's what I wanted to talk to you about. I found her on the bathroom floor stabbed. What? She was still alive by the time I found her. So she's ok? She died as soon as I made it to her. Right before she died, she said make sure we get them. I can't believe this is happening to me again. How did they find her? That's what we trying to find out. Spider taking care of it now. This just means we have to end this soon. If they took her out, we might be next. Whatever our next move is, we have to do it fast. Let's just forget the taking everybody out and have Re'lisha turn him in. If she gets proof he killed her, we won't have to do all the extra stuff. London told her everybody that was in that room going down with him except her. I rather do it that way and end all of this before it's too late. I'm agreeing with Jayson right now. Yes, I want to see everybody pay for my death but I don't want to put neither one of them in no more danger. Wish Lakendra could hear me right now.

      Where y'all at? Just made it to a hotel, what's up? Got another one out the way, Spider said. Really dude? What? What you do now? Took out DJ, that was a piece of cake. How you do that? He came to the block, I saw my opportunity so I took it. I really wish you would stick to the plan. I ain't got time for that shit. I caught the nigga so I did what I had to do. If I catch another one, the same thing gon happen. Bye, Lakendra said. I think he may be the reason Brit was killed, Jayson said. Why you say that? Look at the moves he making in such little time. He already took out 3 of the people that was in the room. After that second person, Keenan might was on alert. He already knows what Brit looks like so it wasn't hard to spot her. Now he done took out one of his brothers. You think this man not about to come after us for real now? You might just be right, Lakendra said. That's why we need to just let Re'lisha get evidence, London arrest him, and we get out of New York before all of this backfire. I would love to see my mom, dad, sister, Crystal, and Brit but I don't want to see them no time soon. It was breaking my heart to see Jayson talk like that. I'm hoping Lakendra do the right thing. This why I didn't want them to include him in this shit. Now he scared for his life because of this shit. How Re'lisha gon get evidence? London told her to wear a wire and have a conversation with Keenan. I don't think that's gon work. Why not? Keenan a smart man, Crystal set him up like that before. He not gon be so willingly to talk about it again. She gon have to get that conversation some other way. I'll talk to London and have him to tell her.

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