Chapter 7 (Grandma)

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       How it go? She left money for Jayson, we have access to her account, she left a check for Jayden's daughter, and we got Keenan's file. What? Before Terrell died, he left her Keenan's file. Everything we need to know is in this file. Let me see, Lakendra said. Oh, hell yeah! Now we don't have to have extra people involved. Everything we need to know is right here. Have you looked at this? Not yet, Brit said. Everything about him and his brothers is right here. You know how much damage we could do with this information? Then I came up with the plan to turn Priscilla against Keenan. How? Mr. Legal told me Keenan didn't except him turning into a drag queen. They haven't talked in years or whatever. I know Keenan well enough to know, he keeps his enemies close for a reason. All we have to do is make Priscilla think Keenan gon turn on him the same way he did Darrian. It's that simple once we put it together. I think it's best we start doing this alone, Brit said. Yeah, we starting to get too many people involved. What about your friend? Who? Spider? Yeah, he not gon be too happy if we tell him we don't need him no more. We gon need him for protection. What about London? We really don't need him since we have this file. It's best if it's just us and Spider. What about Jayson? He really don't have to deal with ol girl now. Everything we need is right here. Everything but information on Keisha. He just need to talk to her long enough for her to give him information on her. We just need to focus on his brothers, getting one of them to turn on him. Priscilla is our best choice right now. I'll do some digging, Lakendra said.

      Hey, sorry im late. It's ok, you must got tied up at the club? Yeah, was getting everything set up for this party tomorrow night. What made you wanna come here? I'm an outdoors person, nothing beats enjoying the fresh air. You ok? Yeah, just have a lot on my mind. You wanna talk about it? A few weeks ago, I witnessed something and it's starting to get to me. Something like what? I'm not really sure how to say it. I witnessed this woman get killed. Oh, I can imagine how that feels. I don't see stuff like this where im from. I just feel like it's gon come back and bit me in the ass. Why you feel like that? Even tho I didn't do anything, I still sat there and watched. I should have done something to stop them or to at least help her. What could you have done? I don't know, anything. I feel horrible, Re'lisha said. I know she has family and friends somewhere that's looking for her. If it was something you could do, would you do it? Of course! You know who did it right? Yeah. Why not just turn that person in? I don't think it's gon be that simple. I don't have no solid proof. You could just get that person to confess and you record it. I thought about that too. This person too smart for that. You just have to find a way to do the right thing without getting mixed up. I been trying to, it's almost impossible. I know you'll find a way to do the right thing.

     I'll be back in a couple of hours, Lakendra said. Where you going? I think I have an idea, not sure if it'll work or not. What? I'll fill you in when I get back. Call me if anything happens. I was curious to see what Lakendra had in mind. So far, everything she came up with been brilliant. Lakendra been driving for 5 hours, I wonder where the hell she going. Hey, you ok? Yeah, im fine. You been gone for some time so just thought ill check on you. How your date go? It went cool, better than I thought. What happened? Everything starting to get to her, Jayson said. She said she been trying to find ways to do the right thing. What you mean? She wanna confess and get this off her conscience. Did she say Crystal name? No, she just said she witnessed a woman get killed. She feels bad she didn't stop them or didn't do anything to help her. I told her to get whoever to confess and she record it. She said whoever did it was too smart for that. Clearly she knows Keenan, he made the mistake before by confessing and got recorded. He'll never make that mistake again. Just get her to keep feeling guilty, it'll really start to eat away at her. I have to go, ill see you when I get back. Lakendra made it to this huge house. I have the slightest idea on who the house belongs to.

     Hi, im looking for Mary. I'm her, can I help you? I came to talk to you about your son. Sure, come in. Would you like something to drink? Sure, some coffee would be fine. I didn't get your name, Mary said. I'm sorry, im Lakendra. How you know my son? We're close friends. Grandma! I'm in here, Mary yelled back. Can I have some juice? No but you can have a glass of milk. Lakendra just sat there with a shocked and confused look on her face. This is my grandson, Carson. After you finish this, go to bed young man. I think I should be going, Lakendra said. You said you came about my son. I think I have the wrong house actually. What's going on? I do have a question, where are his parents? I don't know his parents, I adopted him like a year ago. Who did you adopt him from? From a family, out in St. Louis. Why you ask? I know who his real parents are. Lakendra pulled out a picture of me. This is his mother, Crystal. He looks just like her, Mary said. And this is his father. WHAT THE HELL! This is my son Keenan, this can't be right. Look at both of them and look at Carson. What is going on? I'm a friend of Crystal's, I know Keenan as well. They messed around for a few months. She got pregnant, he gave her money for the abortion but she didn't get one. He had left New York for a few months or whatever. She ended up having Carson when she was 6 months pregnant. As soon as she had him, she gave him to that family in St. Louis. Keenan never knew nothing about Carson and he still doesn't know. Wow! Where is Crystal? She was killed a few weeks ago. I'm so sorry to hear that. She was actually killed by Keenan. WHAT! They had this back and forth war going on for some time now. Keenan did everything he could to make her life a living hell. He had her husband, daughter, and friends killed. OH MY GOD! Not only did he kill her, he killed Darrian as well. HE DID WHAT! I'm sorry im hitting you with all of this all at once. It was always something about that boy that I didn't like. Every since he was a kid, he had this mean streak in him. I don't know where it came from. All of my other sons turned out fine except for him. Perry was a little misguided but he still was a good kid. Merlo wanted to be cool like Keenan, he did whatever Keenan did. Those 2 was always in some kind of trouble. Darrian the only one that stayed on a straight path. All he wanted to do was get out the hood and make something of his self. Out of all my boys, he was the only one that kept in touch with me. Keenan hated the fact I loved Darrian more. DJ was a good kid too, he was all about football. He tried to stay out of trouble. Only time he really got into trouble was whenever he tried to bail Keenan and Merlo out of trouble. Wait, how did you find me anyway? Crystal knew eventually something was going to happen to her. With everything Keenan had done to her, she knew her time was coming soon. Before she died, she tried to make a few things right first. A close friend of hers was killed too by Keenan. MY GOD! Before he died, he gave Crystal Keenan's file. In his file, was information about all of y'all. Crystal left the file with her therapist to make sure I got it. I came to tell you about Darrian and everything Keenan had done. I didn't know you had their son. It's crazy because I kept saying Carson looked like one of my boys. I kept thinking he looked like Darrian, Keenan never crossed my mind. Looking at these pictures, I see Keenan all in him. I can't believe he caused all this for whatever reason. Crystal always thought you were dead. That's the story Keenan told her. He just thought I was dead because I don't fool with him at all. He used to send me money all the time but I wouldn't except it. I know what he does and I refuse to take his dirty money. I want to thank you for coming. Here is my number, Mary said. I would like if we stay in touch. Yeah, I would like that too.

    I had no idea my son was with Keenan's mother. I didn't even know they named him Carson. When I gave him to the family, I didn't name him. I let them pick his name. I still don't know why they gave him up anyway. Guess ill never know now. Where you been? You won't believe what I found out. What? Remember Crystal said something about her son or whatever? Yeah, what about it? Apparently, her son is with Keenan mama. WHAT! Yeah, I went to her house. Wait, you gon have to explain this to me. I was looking at Keenan's file and I saw his mama address. I always thought his mama was dead. I figured if I pay her a visit, let her know what he did, maybe we could use her to our advantage. From talking to her, I can tell she definitely hates him. Especially for killing Darrian too. I know we can use her to get back at him. How did Crystal son end up with her? She said she adopted him from a family in St. Louis. She didn't say why or nothing. She always thought that he looked like Darrian. She didn't think Keenan was the father. I think it'll work out in our favor if we play our cards right. She gave me her number to keep in touch with her. He looks just like Crystal too. Talking to his mama might be exactly what we need. She knows her boys better than anybody. She could tell me something useful against either one of them. Sound like you got it all mapped out, Brit said.

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