Erza's Rescue

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Ultear and Meredy are safe and sound. Erza is still the one who we need to rescue. I couldn't stop thinking about those screams Erza made when we were at the dining room. Could she be hurt or worse, tortured? No, she's Erza. I'm sure she can resist a few hits and strikes on her body. She's stronger than all of us together.

Meredy: -helps me get up-

Tsuki: I think that's everyone for now, but I still need to find Erza.

Happy: Where can we find her?

Carla: She could be anywhere.

Natsu: We'll find her.

Meredy: I think Jellal took her to the top of the tower.

Wendy: Are you sure?

Meredy: It's the only place he could've taken her.

Tsuki: What are we waiting for? Let's go!

Ultear: Watch out with Jellal. He's the only one that has magic.

Natsu: What?! That bastard gets all the magic in the world, while we're stuck without it?!

Happy: Aye, that's not fair!

Tsuki: We don't even know how we can get rid of the Dispel magic in here.

Ultear: Only Lacrima can take over Dispel.

Tsuki: Lacrima?

Carla: Lacrima is a magic crystal that's filled with charged magic.

Tsuki: How can we find Lacrima in here?

Meredy: Don't be fooled, this tower was actually structured by Lacrima itself.

Tsuki: -I touch, and I also knock on the walls- Looks like the Lacrima could be buried underground. The stone structure sounds hard.

Natsu: We could tear this tower up!

Wendy: How can we do that without our magic?

Natsu: -faints- Why didn't I think of that?

Happy: Because you never think of things before you do.

Ultear: Make sure you find her alive. Those screams weren't just anything.

Tsuki: She couldn't have been tortured, right?

Natsu: No, never! Erza's strong as everyone else, and she can fight this.

Carla: We saw Erza in the most terrible times.

Happy: But she never gave up.

Wendy: Erza-san is a warrior of heart.

Tsuki: Even if that was true, then why was she...?

Meredy: Guards!

Suddenly, a lot of guards were coming out from behind. What are we going to do? Even if we defeat all of them, we won't have time to save Erza in time. In order to find her, we need some sort of distraction.

Natsu: Tsuki, go upstairs and find Erza! 

Tsuki: I won't go without you!

Wendy: Tsuki-san, listen to us!

Carla: We'll take them down! 

Tsuki: Good luck, everyone!

Happy: Aye, sir!

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