Fairy Tail Legends

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Now that the fight is over, we can get back to our lives. I know that we were still in the part where Erza and I were about to get married. The truth to them is, we already have. Months of working for the damages, we made enough to pay the city. We have some important news, me and Erza went to our own honeymoon. We planned it during our hours of working. We left after our job was done. Don't worry, it's just a few weeks of vacation for us only. For that, we fast forward to the day the boats came to Magnolia. It's a day like any other, and the guys are in the town. Lucy, Wendy and Carla were buying some clothes. Natsu and Gray were still the same by fighting. It was something related about how Gray throws Natsu's food on the ground. Happy was on the corner telling stories to the townsfolk about our battle with Jellal, Zeref and Acnologia.

Lucy: -shows a bright pink dress- Do you think this will fit me?

Wendy and Carla: -silenced-

Lucy: What?

Wendy: Lucy-san, I think that dress is a little bit shiny for you.

Lucy: What's wrong with the sparkles? 

Carla: Nothing, it's the whole dress filled with so many sparkles.

Lucy: -looks at the dress- You're right, this is too much. I don't want everyone to notice me like that.

Wendy: Carla, I found this costume for you. -shows Carla a fish costume-

Carla: No way, I'm not going to dress up as one of Happy's favorite food.

Lucy: How do you know his favorite food?

Carla: It's pretty obvious. He always mentions fish everywhere we go.

Wendy: You llllllike him?

Carla: Don't start on me with that!

Wendy: It's okay, Carla.

Carla: It's not okay, I don't feel a connection between me and him.

Wendy: Not even one thing in common? There has to be something. I mean, you're both cats.

Carla: -silence-

Lucy: He clearly llllllikes you, but you llllllike him too, right?

Carla: Stop talking like him!

Lucy: Sorry.

Carla: I like him, but not in that way.

Lucy: At least, give him a chance.

Carla: What can I do? I know he's been wanting some attention from me, and now I feel like I want to give him that attention he always wanted.

Wendy: Ask him out for a date.

Carla: A date? I don't know about that.

Wendy: Invite him out for something and see what happens. 

Lucy: We all know Happy. It will be a great chance for you to get to know each other better.

Carla: Thanks for the advice.

Lucy: Aren't you gonna ask him?

Carla: Now's not the right time for me.

Wendy: We understand.

Even though I'm not there, Carla should really give Happy a chance to get to know him better. I think she wants to, but she's not ready. I wish I could help them out. Anyway, on the other side of them, Natsu and Gray were fighting like always. They're just relieved, because Erza's not there to break them up. Remember, it had something to do with food.

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