Wedding Battle

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Zeref ruined our wedding. He has crossed the line. Nobody messes up with my entire life when there's an important day for me. I was going to marry Erza, but that bastard had to interrupt the wedding. He won't stop until he sees me dead. Looks like he wants to hurt Erza in front of me. I wanted the guys out of it since they're still outside.

Tsuki: Guys, go and help the others. If we're not there in 5 minutes, don't bother coming back here.

Wendy: But...

Erza: We're going to have to take it from here. If we're the people Zeref wants, then that's what he'll get.

Lucy: No, don't do this.

Carla: You can't do this by yourselves.

Tsuki: There isn't much time! Just go!

Happy: We won't leave you alone.

Tsuki and Erza: Get out!

Lucy, Wendy, Happy and Carla: -left us-

Carla: Good luck.

Natsu: -screams while hitting the runes- Tsuki! Erza!

Gray: We have to go!

Natsu: No, I won't leave them alone with him! I want to fight him, too!

Tsuki: Gray, get Natsu out of here!

Gray: -pulls Natsu's arm out of the church-

Natsu: Don't die on us! -follows Gray-

Tsuki and Erza: -turned around to Zeref, looking very angry-

Zeref: Did I miss the best day of your lives? How awful of me. Oh wait, you aren't even married yet. Why did this happened? 

Erza: Because you ruined it!

Tsuki: Besides, you don't even care.

Zeref: The only thing that I care about is that you're still alive in this world, when you should've been dead back in your village. 

Tsuki: What makes you think you can just walk in here after what you've done in Yamekan?

Zeref: You do believe me now, huh?

Tsuki: You killed my people, my parents, my friends, everyone in Yamekan. I was dead because of you. You thought you killed me, but you didn't.

Zeref: I thought you were gone. You should've disappeared from this world.

Tsuki: I survived, and I moved to Magnolia to start a new life. The past still haunts me, but that doesn't stop me from living my life in the present. I had nightmares almost every night. What you did in Yamekan was something I would never forget.

Zeref: Now you believe the real truth.

Tsuki: You told me the truth. I still couldn't believe my eyes.

Zeref: It's true, my friend. 

Tsuki: Don't call me that. You are not my friend.

Zeref: You're right, I'm your best friend.

Tsuki: No, you're not even my best friend! You don't mean anything to me! There's nothing you can do to change my mind about you!

Zeref: What about the beautiful bride? Does she has some words against...?

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