Will you...?

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All right, we found Erza, but we lost Jellal. It's like he vanished into thin air. We probably think he's on top of the tower. He couldn't have gotten that far, not even downstairs, unless Natsu and the gang finds out where he's going. We went to the top, anyway. And of course, nothing was there but a big rock in the center.

Tsuki: There's nobody here.

Erza: Everything's just rocks. -kicks a pebble in front of her-

Tsuki: Don't be so sure about it.

Erza: He could be anywhere.

Tsuki: We won't let him trick us this time.

Erza: What can we do?

Tsuki: We probably have a chance to face Jellal and defeat him.

Erza: Defeat him? Tsuki, he's being possessed by some kind of dark wizard. It's that guy, the one that keeps messing around with us. What he needs is our help to conquer him on the inside.

Tsuki: How can we do that? I never fought someone who was possessed. Not even made myself fight the possessor inside.

Erza: -kicks another pebble to the front and sees where it's going- Look! -points to a weird looking rock-

Tsuki: -I turn around-

Tsuki and Erza: -went to the rock-

Tsuki: -I knock on the rock- This is the same structure as the one from the walls. Only this one could be thin enough to cut through the Lacrima.

Erza: We can't do it without our magic.

Tsuki: Not necessarily. -I go and pick up two lead pipes-

Erza: Pipes?

Tsuki: We can use these... -I throw one to Erza-

Erza: -grabs the lead pipe-

Tsuki: To break the rock to the Lacrima. -I hit the rock-

Erza: This is something that Natsu would do.

Tsuki: -I fake some laughs- Actually, it was his idea from before.

Erza: Whatever, I'm ready. -hits the rock-

Tsuki: All right!

We were both hitting the rock to see if we could get to the Lacrima. That way, we'll have our magic back to face Jellal. He may be gone, but we will find him. If Erza's right about the whole possessing thing, we can do it, too. As we were still hitting the rock, something was shining inside of it. I know we were not digging for treasure or anything like that. No, it's Lacrima from the tower's magic source. The rocks covered it, a long time ago. Now, it's our time to get the magic back.

Tsuki: That's it!

Erza: We're almost through!

Tsuki: One more shot, and the Lacrima will give us our magic back!

All of a sudden, the ground began to shake again like before. Only this time, it was Jellal doing it. Worst of all, the tower was almost falling apart. This wasn't exactly as we planned. I went to Erza to grab her, but then the ground breaks. We were falling down, as we started screaming. I turned around to aim one last shot to the rock. I threw the lead pipe to get to it. I hope it works, and it did. The lead pipe flew while spinning around, and it hits where the Lacrima is exposed. That hit made it shine and everything changed. The Dispel force field was gone. Jellal got even more mad than ever. Luckily, me and Erza had our magic to save ourselves. I have my magic of flight, and Erza transforms into her Flight Armor. We basically flew out of there. Natsu and the others were also falling down. Since their magic is back, Happy and Carla summoned their wings to fly, so they could catch Natsu and Wendy.

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