Unknown Boss

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After our little celebration, something happened that we knew it wasn't over. We heard another explosion, far away from where we are. Is it another Zeref attack we have to keep preventing? The earth shook a little bit and then it's gone. Things are still not calm as we expected. The end is near, and we're coming for you, Zeref.

Makarov: Why does it keep coming?!

Gray: This is not over yet?

Tsuki: No. 

Lucy: Why do you think that?

Erza: Zeref escaped from us.

Lucy: What?!

Tsuki: We won part of the game, but it's not game over. 

Carla: He could still be alive. 

Natsu: Not if we're there to kill him.

Happy: Whoa, Natsu. We'll stop him, not kill him.

Wendy: Happy-san's right.

Gray: We have to find him.

Erza: Where did that explosion blow?

Tsuki: -I point to the forest- It's coming from the forest, let's go!

We didn't know what it was, so they followed me to the forest to find out. Why is the battle not over yet? That's right, Zeref escaped from the church. I almost forgot about that. The battle we had was very distracting in one point. We were avoiding every single obstacle like trees, logs, giant rocks, etc. I can feel Zeref in the direction. If we defeat him, then everything else will be safe and sound.

Tsuki: We can't stop now!

Erza: Right!

Natsu: We're getting close!

Happy: Aye, I can feel it!

Wendy: What do you think is on the other side? 

Lucy: No one knows, Wendy. 

Gray: Whatever happens, we'll be there to face it.

Carla: We just have to be prepared for it.

Erza: We can take anything that we face.

Tsuki: Erza's right. Battle's not over. We'll think of a plan to stop Zeref. 

Gray: What's that?

Tsuki: I don't know, but we'll find out soon enough.

We were getting so close to the explosion. We found out that the noise was coming from our hangout. Yeah, the cliff of grass. I hope it didn't get destroyed. It's our favorite place in the world. That's where we go after a job, and the rest for us to talk. Please, don't let it be gone. As soon as we got there, there wasn't any damage, thank goodness. But what we saw was Zeref's appearance in the air. We won't let him escape. What's weird is that he went falling to the ground unconscious. What happened to him? Did the explosion cause him to faint?

Tsuki: -I run to him- Zeref! 

Carla: That was fast. 

Natsu: Ha, we got him now! 

Zeref: -with his eyes closed-

Lucy: Is he...?

Happy: -gulps-

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