2.1: In Which They're Free

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391 holds 254's arm, protectively placed in front of her with his hand dangling between her legs, tighter.

          They were in a black van. It was night time. She didn't have much of a chance to take in her surroundings before they were rushed inside of a vehicle but with a small glimpse she saw trees.

          A forest?

          Made sense.

          A secret Lab was easier to hide in the middle of nowhere...

          She takes a shaky breath.

          She'd be lying if she said she wasn't nervous.

          254 must have sensed it. He'd always been good at reading her. Or maybe it was because of his heightened hearing? Either way, his hand curls around her knee and squeezes.

          She buries her nose in his shoulder and tilts her head enough to glance over at the man named Hippy – 254's apparent brother – who sat in the back with them. Or more precisely, opposite them.

          The other two, Fairy and Flytrap – who the fuck named these people? - occupied the front with the girl driving.

          "You must have a lot of questions," Hippy says, breaking the thick silence which had settled around them.

           "No shit," 254 replies. The Beast was close to surface. She could tell in the way that his chest rumbled against her.

          Hippy breathes a laugh. "Yeah, we're definitely brothers," he says under his breath. Leaning forward, he clasps his hands together and lets them fall between his knees. "I was like you. Trapped in one of those places. But we escaped," he glances away for a moment, jaw tense. "And got hold of your file. It's how we knew where to find you."

          254's thumb starts tapping a steady rhythm against her leg. "You got powers too?"

          Hippy's chin dips. "Healing. You're the same, right? But you have heightened senses...and that thing you call The Beast?"

           He inhales sharply. Didn't expect his 'brother' to know so much. "That in my file too?"

          "Yeah. Didn't mention anything about her though." He gestures to 391. "Mind you, it took us a while to find you. They were probably way outdated by then."

          254 glances down at his girl. Feels comfortable enough to remove his arm until it was wrapped around her back and no longer shielding her front. "They called her Subject 391."

          Hippy gives her a friendly smile. "Don't worry. We'll have a nickname for you in no time."

          She gives an unsure smile back. Not that she wouldn't mind being called something other than a number – in fact it made her wonder why her and 254 hadn't done something similar for each other – but with names like Hippy, Flytrap, and Fairy, she wasn't sure she trusted them with the job.

          Silenced drags on, and she curses herself for not responding verbally and bringing a halt to the conversation. Truth was though, she was too tired to speak. She hoped they didn't think she was a mute. Or incompetent of holding a conversation.

          Before she can scold herself further, a boom followed by rumbling which reminded her of thunder sounded in the distance behind them. Her heart jumped in fear. "What was that?"

          She's thankful for 254's firm hold on her; keeping her grounded.

          "That...would be James' doing," Hippy explains with a shake of his head, leaning back against the van. "Poor guy. It was the only way though. We haven't figured out how to activate the self-destruct without someone being inside to do it." His voice tightens, and 254 knows that there's more to the story than that.

          He decides not to push though.

          Meanwhile, 391 freezes. "Does that mean James is dead?"

           "Yes," Hippy answers simply.

            Turning her head into 254's shoulder, she places her lips against him and inhales his familiar scent. She can't say she wasn't sad about losing James. He did help them after all. But mostly, her heart broke at the thought of 81 not making it out of there alive.

           I promised to go back for him.

         She squeezes her eyes shut, remembering his bouncing blond curls and ridiculous sense of humour.

          You were my friend...and I just left you.

           She would have cried if 254 wasn't there, but she didn't feel right showing her feelings of loss for the man who was forced to rape her in front of her boyfriend. She wasn't sure he would understand, especially after his reaction when she begged them not to leave him behind.

            It was too sensitive of a situation.

           "He was an ass-hole," 254 mumbles. "But he did right by me in the end. He won't be forgotten."

           "We can talk more in the morning," Hippy tells them. "We'll reach base soon. Show you to your room. Catch some Z's and then have this conversation with a fresh head and some coffee."

          254 frowns at that. "You sleep?"

         "Nope. You neither, huh?" He guesses.

          "Yeah. Sucks, huh?"

           "Fucking yeah it does," Hippy sighs. "Looks like she could use some though."

           391 peels her eyes open at that. Blinks them lazily. She hadn't even realised she's started to doze off. She remembers leaning against 254 and she felt so emotional and tired, and he'd been so warm and comforting...

          "I'm okay," she mutters, reaching a hand up to rub her eyes with.

          254 rolls his eyes. Breathes the word stubborn under his breath before scooting across the bench they sat on, giving her more room. "Lay down, baby. Put your head on my leg."

          She's reluctant but eventually does as he says. Moving makes her cringe. Her panties were still soaked with both hers and 254's cum. She wanted desperately to change them but she'd have to wait. It's not like she could ask if anyone had spare underwear because they'd drenched hers beyond repair.

          254's hand strokes her hair, to her shoulder, arm and then back again. The two brothers make random conversation but the words begin to blur with the rocking of the van and then she's asleep. 


          A few hours later, 254 is gently shaking her awake. "C'mon, baby, we're here."

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