2.4: In Which He's Named

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          Breakfast consisted of scrambled eggs and toast.

          It was nice, although the eggs were a little dry. She probably shouldn't complain. Free meal and whatnot. And hell, even if they weren't as moist as the ones at the Lab, the simple spice of freedom more than made up for it.

          A dollop of ketchup helped, too.

          Conversation flowed naturally around them. Neither her or 254 joined in but she doubted it was for the same reason; she remained quiet because they were so familiar with each other, she felt like anything she had to add would be intrusive.

          254, on the other hand, was observing; watching; learning.

          It was in his nature, she knew. Maybe it was the animal inside of him. The instinct to sniff out danger and perceive the strongest threat. She wouldn't be surprised if he'd already worked out their exit strategy in case they needed one.

           Hippy, who sat opposite them at the table, waits for Fairy and Flytrap to leave before he glances at 254's plate. "You finished?"

          "Mhm," 254 nods, chewing his last mouthful. He then pushes his plate away and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. 391 scrunches her nose up at that, glancing at the table where a perfectly good napkin laid.

          With a teasing smile she picks it up and nudges his arm with it.

          He looks at her and then the object in her hand before he raises his eyebrows and chuckles. She was such a princess - and he loved her for it. Taking it off her, he made a show of wiping his mouth before placing it back down. "Happy now?" 

          She nods, smiling, and fuck he smiles back before his eyes cut over to his brother who was watching their exchange with an amused, but also sad, expression.

          Maybe he wants his own girl to look after him, 254 wonders. Which sucked, because he may not know his brother but he seemed like a good guy who deserved to be happy.

          No, The Beast responds grimly, he's lost his mate.

          254 frowns at that. How'd you know, big guy?

          His loss. I can sense it. We felt it too.

          Before he can continue his internal conversation with the animal who shares his mind and body, Hippy speak ups.

          "Good. You'll probably need food in your stomach for this," he turns his attention to someone behind them. "Danny? Bring the file please, honey."

          Both 391 and 254 turn in their seats, and she frowns because no one was there, just a computer. Who was he talking to-

          Suddenly, a lady with dark skin and kind eyes stands up from behind the computer screens. Her black hair pulled back by tiny plaits which lead to the bottom of her neck; the strands so long they snaked over her shoulder, reaching her mid-rift.

          She was pretty; beautiful even. Bright red lips part into a friendly grin as she bounced over to them. Her appearance was of a person reaching the age of 30, but her spirit was that of an 18 year old. "Hey!"

          "Hi", 391 grins back. She couldn't help it. Her smile was contagious and so was her up-beat attitude. She hopes they can be friends.

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