2.9: In Which It Gets Out Of Hand

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          "I feel sorry for them," Fairy admits, floating just above the bed where he laid next to Flytrap. It's the only way she'd let him lay so close – if he wasn't physically touching the covers. It doesn't bother him, figures it's just another one of her strange personality quirks.

          Flytrap rolls her eyes but otherwise keeps her gaze on the tablet where she was passing time with an old-fashioned game of solitaire. "Why? They're grown adults. They should know how to deal with their shit by now."

           He can't say he was expecting any other response from her. He was tempted to turn off his ability, just to annoy her, but figures it wasn't worth getting banned from her room for another month. She'd only just started letting him back in. "I'm in my late 20's, and I'd be a mess if I was either one of them."

           She shoots him a look of disbelief. It was clear he was at least 40 years old. "Late 20's," she deadpan's. He shrugs innocently. Neither had bothered to read their files, so age was just a rough estimation based on appearance, and 20's wasn't even close for him. "And, bro, you cried last week watching Animal Planet."

           He stares at the ceiling, appearing pensive. "Zoella fell from a cliff. She could have lost her cubs."

           "She landed in water." They were some of the only people in the world with access to the internet, and this is what Fairy does with it.

            "Doesn't matter," he mumbles. "She must have been so scared."

             "She's a lion. I'm pretty sure they eat their young anyway."

             Fairy turns to her, expression horrified. It was obvious he hadn't known that fact. "Really?"

             Ugh. Him and his bald head looked so sad. What if he started crying? Rolling her eyes, she holds in a scoff. And people say she wasn't 'kind'. "No, I'm just being a bitch."

            "Oh. Thank god."

           "Think it's safe to go down yet?" She was getting hungry. Both of them had been hiding upstairs since Connie returned. Flytrap, personally, didn't want to be dragged into the mess. Or have people complaining to her. Feelings....Ew. They all needed to keep their head in the game if they wanted to take down the Lab's without losing any more people. Distractions like this was the last thing the Rebels needed.

           Fairy, on the other hand, was hiding because he couldn't stand seeing people in pain. He was sensitive like that. It often made Flytrap wonder if his abilities extended beyond flight - to empath. "Maybe."

             "Fuck it. Let's go."

             Flytrap purposely remained in front of Fairy. She would never admit it was a protective thing. 391 was no where to be seen, along with Danny. She figures they were having some girl chat – ew.

             Nick was also gone, and unsurprisingly, Hippy. She'd never quite came round to calling him Sam. Maybe because she hadn't been there for that part of his life. She'd only known him from the Lab onwards. Then again, even if she had, she wouldn't have remembered it anyway.

            Which left Connie and Chase, who they stumble across in the kitchen. It was enough to make Flytrap consider heading back to her room, but hunger won out and she glances at Fairy with a shrug. She could deal with Connie, but if the others turn up and there's any hint of an storm approaching, she was out.

            Connie hears their approach and glances up from the table where she was picking at her cuticles while Chase fed himself from a bowl next to her. "Hi," she says with a sigh.

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