Chapter 2

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~Jada's POV~
I groaned as I regained consciousness. I sit up, looking around to see smoking metal, pieces of the plane, and trees. "D-Damian..?" I called out, looking around for him. I stood up, wincing slightly after putting pressure on my right leg. "D-Damian!" I called again, looking for him "where are you!?" I walked around the crash sight, finding bodies all around. I teared up, scratching my arm. "Damian!" I cried, moving big pieces of the plane around, looking under them.

~Damian's POV~

"Damian!" Was what I heard when I woke up 'J-Jada...' I thought, moving my hand slightly. I heard metal moving around, before a blinding light  came, making me groan shutting my eyes tightly. "Damian!" I felt arms wrapped around me tightly, pulling my upper body up.

Tears fell on my shoulder, making me wrap my arms around her tightly. "I-I thought I l-lost you.." she cried, holding me tightly. "You can't get rid of me that easily" I said, smiling. She giggled, looking at me with a smile on her face. She wiped her face, looking at me. "Are you ok?" I nodded, looking her over. "What happened to your arm?" I asked, looking at her. She looked down sadly, trying to cover them up. "U-uh.."

~Jada's POV~

"U-uh.." I bit my lip, looking at the ground. "Jada?" "I-I got scared...that I lost you.." I said quietly, not looking at him. I felt his arms wrap around me, holding me tightly. "I-it's getting worse Damian...I-its getting worse.." I whispered softly, tears falling down my face. "It's ok jade, your okay" we stayed like that for a while, glad that we didn't lose each other in that crash.

"We should get going, it's going to be dark soon and we need to find shelter" he said, patting my head before getting up. "Where are we going to go? I doubt there's a village nearby, and the only rock that seems like a cave is that one over there" I pointed to a giant rock in the Far East of where we are now. "And that's at least 20 miles from here, we'll never get there before dark" I said, standing up and following him with a small limp. "Then we better get moving, gather what we can and head east to that rock" he started gathering food and supplies from baggage's.

I looked around, pulling out one red and one blue hardcover suitcases from the wreckage. "Hey look! Our suitcases are ok, and nothing is burned!" I said excitedly, opening mine to see if everything was ok. "That's good Jada, come on we gotta go" he put some food he found in my suitcase, closing it before starting to walk, taking it with him. "Ok!" I grabbed his suitcase and ran after him, smiling brightly. He smiled back, ruffling my hair.

~Three hours later~

It's been almost four hours since we left the crash sight. The hot sun was at its highest peak and burned down on us. We've been walking for so long, that the small limp I had can be clearly noticed. He asked me if I wanted to stop but I said no, in fear that I would be a burden and I didn't want that to happen.

I panted heavily, looking down at the ground dragging the suitcase behind me. "Jada stop, we'll take a break" Damian said, taking the suitcase from me. "B-But I-I can keep g-going..." I said, trying to get the suitcase back. He pulls it out of my reach. "Jada stop, you don't feel good, your limping worse then what you was a hour ago, just take a 20 minute break" he said, looking at me.

I sighed, nodding my head. "Fine..but only 20 minutes" I said sitting down. He smiled, nodding. "Thanks jade" I rolled my eyes. "Whatever" I laid against a rock, sighing in relief. "Jada please tell us me you packed shorts and t-shirts" he asked, looking though my suitcase. "Yes, I did they're under the other stuff that's in there" I closed my eyes, sighing softly. "Here, go change" he handed me some shorts and a shirt.

 "Here, go change" he handed me some shorts and a shirt

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