'Taking a break'

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A week later I finish writing my letters to The Weasleys, The Potters, Luna, Neville, Pansy, Blaise, Hannah, Erick, Professor Magonagle, Hagrid, and Andromeda. All of them saying pretty much the exact same thing. That I will be 'Taking a break' from magic until my child is accepted to Hogwarts- yes the child is Dracos'- no I don't need help. I need to be alone for a while but I will come back soon.

I turn 3/10 of my money into muggle money and according to my chart I have $799,832. Enough to buy a small apartment, food, and some more baby stuff. I turn to head out the door.

(Time skip: 3 weeks ) (yeh I know go ahead and hate me)
~Molly's POV~

It's been 3 weeks since anyone has heard from Hailey. Poor girl. I sent George to find her after we hadn't heard from her in a couple of hours. Apparently Draco broke up with her. While making lunch I hear a gasp and turn around to a tear-face-stained Ginny and everyone looking at me. I take the letter and open it.

Dear Molly,

I am sorry for telling you like this but I am leaving the wizarding world behind for a while. Of course, I will be sending you and Narcissa updates about the baby. Please refrain from telling anyone who will spread the message to Draco. I am leaving this afternoon. Again I am sorry for doing this to you because you are like my mother. You were there for me when (literally) no one else (except Remus and Sirius) was. So thank you.

I love you...

I read the message 3 or 4 times before sobbing.

(Back to Hailey~!)

I walk to the front of my new house. It's a 2 story with 4 bedrooms 2 bathrooms and a basement. The first thing I do is st back all my wizarding memories into the corner of the basement. I then place boxes of muggles and pictures of my family. I am now 5 weeks pregnant and showing a little bit. I walk outside and check the mailbox.

Welcome to the neighborhood!
Hi! I am Anastasia Becker and I live right across the street with my daughter Kayla and son Tyler. We also babysit a 2-year old once in a while. I just wanted to welcome you to the neighborhood and wanted you to know if you ever need help come visit us. Hope you have fun sweetie!

I smile lightly at the card as I walk back inside. I look around and notice how empty it is. I have literally nothing. Guess it's time to go shopping. I grab $1,000 a walk to the nearest store which is a mile away. After I buy everything I need (Food, 6 white bottles, Toilet paper, pencils, paper, markers, crayons, fruit, vegetables, meat, and dairy products). I only walked 400 feet when one of the bags ripped spilling the box of markers and crayons. I try picking them all up but I realize soon after, not only am I crying, but someone is helping me pick the stuff up. I look up and wipe my eyes and with a shaky laugh, I thank the guy who helped me.

"Are you alright miss? " He asks nervously.

"Yeah. I'm fine... I've just been going through a lot lately and with all this -" I try to continue but I sob again.

The guy grabs my bag and puts them in a red sack I didn't notice him carrying before. He grabs my hand and puts an arm around my shoulder and walks with me. Soon we stop in front of my house.

"H-how do you-?"

"I'm Tyler. Everyone on the block knows what you look like because we haven't had anyone new here in years. This house doesn't have them for sale sign anymore so I kind of assumed. " he explains.

"Oh! Alright. Here, I can take my stuff. Do you want some tea?"

" Yes, please. "

We go inside and sit on the countertop. I grab one of my self-making teacups and ask him what type he wants. He answers blueberry and I nod. He has good taste, at least.

"So why did you choose to move here?"

"Oh well... My parents were police and died in a fight about 2 years ago. And for the last 4 years, I have been dating this guy who got me pregnant and broke up with me soon after. I left a lot of people behind when I came here but I just couldn't live there anymore so I took the first place I could find and moved in. What about you?" I say without missing a beat. I have been practicing this for a while now.

" Well, I have lived here all my life. My twin sister Kayla and I still live with our parents until we go out separate ways. The only reason I found you was because I usually go for morning jogs and saw what was happening. "

"Oh! Cool... Well thank you for helping me but I need some sleep. I am thoroughly exhausted." I say yawning. I'm really not but I could use a nap and this guy could try to murder me.

He nods and stands up before walking out shutting the door behind him. I lock the door and place a spell on it. Then I walk upstairs and go to the room which I want to be mine and realize I left my bed and all my stuff in my box with my wand so I go downstairs and grab the box. I go upstairs, place it where I want it, and unshrink it. Then I lay down and fall asleep right away.

Narcissa POV:

4 weeks ago Draco had come home crying because he had broken up with Hailey. He then showed me the bags of baby bottles, diapers, and other baby-related stuff but I still figured out what it meant. He still hasn't. It was only yesterday I got the letter and box, the letter was just an explanation that Hailey wouldn't come back for a while and the stuff in the box was everything draco had ever given her. Last night Draco never came home but when he did this mourning, with a girl may I add, I lost it. I opened the box and stomped upstairs. I heard unpleasant noises coming from Draco's room and opened the door to find him kissing the girl. I kicked the girl out of my house, maybe to literally, and dumped everything on draco afterward. Love letters, a teddy bear, a panda bear and multiple photos of them.

"DID YOUR RELATIONSHIP EVEN MEAN ANYTHING?!?" I screamed at him as he yelled out. "Do you realize that the girl is alone and pregnant? That she doesn't use magic anymore? That it is your child?" He nods. "Then why are you still here? Why are you not out there finding her? Did I raise you like this?" He shakes his head furiously. "Then go." I hissed.

Draco was up and out of there before I could even say Salazar Slytherin.

3rd Person POV:

Lucius, who was sitting in a prison cell, Andromeda Teddy and Harry, who were sitting at a table with Teddy, And everyone else (including Hailey) whoever has come in contact with an angry Narcissa Malfoy (neé Black) all shivered.

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