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A/N: okay so this is the last chapter of this book. The second book is how they find Ciy, Siria's years at Hogwarts, and more about Bailey's past. The reason why I'm ending it is because in the future I will make a second book but right now I have no ideas. Thanks for staying this long I love you all...

3 months later and everything is normal. Okay, that's not right, nothing is ever normal at Hogwarts. Especially when your dad is a teacher and he basically ignores your existence unless he absolutely has to. Uncle Harry came in and started teaching after our DADA teacher got fired due to beating a student. It's been fun watching the two bicker at breakfast. Aubriella and I would mimic them the entire time- very loudly, of course- which would earn a glare from Malfoy and Uncle Harry Laughing.

Mom has been searching night and day for Ciy, but moved in with Ginny to help her with her children and to calm down a bit. The Weasley family is just growing every year and poor Nana Molly is determined to make sweaters for all of us

I just hope life keeps going as wonderful.

~Siria R. Black

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