A Witches Help

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"So why are the Winchesters in my house?" I ask looking at them suspiciously.

"We need help getting back to our time," Dean explained "We were told by a witch named Rowena that you could help."

They looked nervous as Siria smiled and pointed towards Dean. Ciy pointed toward Sam. I very, very, very reluctantly agreed and handed my children to the boys. Siria and Ciy grabbed each others hands and and then touched the boys faces. After a minute they crawled back to me.

"Twue!" They yelled synchronized and then jumped off the couch.

"Fine I will help you. So what-may I ask- sent you back to us?" I asked cautiously.

"A witch. Please just help us get back." Sam pleaded giving me the cutest puppy eyes. I sighed and nodded.

"We have to wait until my kids are gone through. That will be tomorrow so until the-"

"No! You don't understand we need to leave now! Bobby is in trouble. Please." Dean begged.

"Fine... Just... Ok come on." I set the kids down in the playpen and motioned for the boys to follow me.

(Ok so I am going to skip to where they go into the future.)

I looked at the glowing hole in the floor. They had 2 minutes to go through before it would close. Dean thanked me and said goodbye, Sam waved and went to step into the circle but the we heard screaming. I look over at Dean and he just throws himself into the circle. Sam follows shortly after and then it's gone. The hole just disapears. I hear a whining noise from the kids and go to them. When I get into the room I go and pick up Siria. When I reach for Ciy he isn't there.

(Dean's POV):

I like Hailey. It's a shame we couldn't tell her we came back to save her and her kids though. Sam forbade me to do it. I stare at the female who gives us a half a smile and wraps her arm around her waste. She looks uncertain for a second and I can tell she is trying not to check on her children. It's hard to believe that in 25 years this girl will be helping us out on a case. We knew she had twins but she refused to tell us what happened to Ciy. Now we know at least a little bit.

This is the girl who will help everyone and die while doing so. The girl who will leave her orphan daughter to us after she finds us. After her husband died and his family left her alone. How her daughter refused to leave her side. It's also hard to believe that we found out what we did before she died. Where she is from and what she has been through. It's hard to believe...

I watch as Sam wave goodbye at Hailey. She definetly helped us out.  I feel a rug on my leg and look down. Ciy is standing there holding onto my leg. He wobbles a bit before falling backwards. Backwards into the hole. I yell and jump after him. I grab him right before I see Sam jump in. As we hit the ground lightly Ciy cries out and Sam looks at me terrified.

So this is how it happened?

(Guys you don't even know... I had to do this in order for the story to progress. It was either this or kill Ciy off and we all know I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I killed them off.... Yet.)

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