Words and noises

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I wake up to the screaming of my 4 month old children and stood up. It was 2:47 A.m. and I had put them to bed an hour ago. I walk to their crib and pick both of them up, Siria in my left arm and Ciy in my right. They looked at me and grinned with evil tiny smiles.

"You guys are gonna be the death of me one day." I whisper and kiss their heads.

They giggle and grab each others hand and the grab my arms. I laugh and set them in their high chairs. I sit down in front of them.

"Say mama! Say mama!" I say.

After 3 hours of playing with the Twins I grab their bottles and lay them down.

You're alone
You're on your own
so what?
have you gone blind
Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours
Glass half empty
Glass half full
well either way you won't be going thirsty
Count your blessings
Not your flaws
You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crowns
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your heads
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king again
You don't get what all this is about
You're too wrapped up in your self doubt
You've got that young blood set it free
You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crowns
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your heads
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king
There's method to my madness
There's no logic in your sadness
You don't gain a single thing from misery
Take it from me
You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crowns
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your heads
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king
You've got it all
You lost your mind in the sound
There's so much more
You can reclaim your crowns
You're in control
Rid of the monsters inside your heads
Put all your faults to bed
You can be king

After I sang the twins were fast asleep. I laid pillows out beside them so they don't fall off the bed and walk downstais. I stop when I hear a noise in my kitchen. I slowly tiptoe in there and grab the knife in the table.

"Who's there?" I ask as I walk in praying to Merlin that it is just Errol or Pig.

No one is there but I hear the basement door slam shut. Shi-sazzle. I run upstairs and grab the kids who start crying as I run into the bathroom and lock the door. I give them their bottles and they stop crying and soon fall asleep.

"911 (or whatever it is in England) what is your emergency?"

"I need help! There is someone in my house and I am alone with my twins. Please send help!" I don into the reciever.
Hey! Don't blame me! I haven't slept more than an hour in a week and am an emotional mess.

"Ma'm I need you to calm down." The operator said.

"EXCUSE ME? THERE IS SOMEONE IN MY HOUSE AND I AM ALONE WITH MY TWINS. I HAVE NO HELP WHAT SO EVER AND I HAVE NOT SLEPT MORE THAN AN HOUR IN A WEEK. SO PLEASE." I stop and breathe because the Twins are about to start crying. "Nevermind I'll just go find who it is myself."

I hang up and put the twins in a basket. I lay another basket over them and cover it with clothes. I make sure Dad knows where they are so if anything happens to me he can go get Narcissa. I tiptoe downstairs and into the hallway closet. I grab a bat and my make sure my knife is in my back pocket. I then ninja my way to the basement.


I screamed and fell backwards. A house elf stood in front of me looking sheepish.

"Sorry master Hailey. Master Malfoy sent me to come help you. Trinket didn't mean to scare you. Trinket shall punish herself. " The poor house elf then started hit herself with a large notebook.

"Stop! Stop!" I tell pulling it away from her. "Please don't hurt your self! How about you tell me about yourself instead?"

"Well Trinket has been with the Malfoy family all her life. Recently Master Malfoy set me free but told me if I wanted to continue to help out and get paid I can come here and help. So I came here!"

I smiled lightly but froze when I heard a knock. I got up and went to the door to see a police officer.

"Hello sir!" I say smiling. Trinket tiptoe upstairs and disappears .

"We had a call come from here about a burglar?" He said looking around at the open door.

"Oh! I am so sorry to bug you officers but I forgot what day it was and that the Twins grandmother was coming over today. I am so sorry for the inconvenience!" I smile.

"Well may I still come in for a procedural check?" He asks.

I let him in and he looks around. When we go upstairs the kids are sitting in their playpen and Trinket is no where to be seen. Then the bathroom shower turns on and the officer nods his head.

"Mmmm!" Siria and Ciy giggle.

The officer and I turn around and see Siria sitting up clapping Ciy giggled. I walked over to them and they looked at each other.

"Mama!" They yelled at the same time. I gasped and laugh at them. I go and pick them up (Siria in my left and Ciy in my right) and walked the officer outside after 20 minutes of stuffing cookies in a bag and giving him them. He tried to refuse but I forced him anyway telling him that he deserves it and he either take it home or I will send 50 boxes of cookies to him at work.

"Mama! Mama! Mama! Mama!" We all laugh. ..

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