Our Memories

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In his 5th year, my fourth, the Slytherins were making fun of Luna. I wanted to say something but then someone said something along the lines of 'Look at her ridiculously blonde hair! So out of style. " Everyone laughed- everyone except me of course- and then it happened. In a unison we all looked at the one and only Draco Malfoy. He looked highly offended and touched his own hair. He then stood up and steps onto the table.

"That's it! I am making all of you sign an anti-bullying slip! I will stop this nonsense." He drawled out.

It was hilarious because no one actually thought he would do it. But come the next day, half of the Slytherin class had signed it. Including
Vincent Crabbe
Gregory Goyle
Blaise Zabini
Pansy Parkinson
Draco Malfoy
A few others and myself.

A few weeks pass and honestly I forget about the slip but then I notice all the Slytherins helping Luna look for her shoes and clothes the 'nargles stole.'

That was the first day I actually got the courage to say something to the great Slytherin prince. It was late at night in the common room. It was just him and I. I was sitting by the fire reading an old muggle book and he was finishing an assignment from Proffesor Snape. I had started to get tired and got up to leave when he made a coughing sound. I waved goodnight after asking if he was okay.

"Malfoy you've really changed in the past few weeks. I'm proud." I say then run up the girls stairs as fast as possible.

That was the first day we- I mean I- said anything to eachother.

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