Chapter 2- Polygraph Test

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Just so you guys know I might just post whenever I feel like it but mostly I will post on weekends

I enter the class room and the first thing I see is three short lines of seats, some taken and some not. There was about 20 seats. There was another door in the room, that probably leads do a small room. There was a tall woman wearing a clipboard.

The walked to my direction and said, "Hello, you must be Sam, take a seat", I proceeded to take a seat on the chair beside me. "Basically what's happening is that when I call your name could you please enter that door right there", she pointed at the door I was talking about earlier. I nodded. The walked away and left me to think what the fuck is happening.

I am strangely confused. All I have to do is enter a room when my name is called out. Easy, I can totally do that. This is suspicious at all.

After a couple of minutes my full name was called out. "Sam Santiago". Finally I can find out what this thing is. I stand up and start to walk to the door.

I enter and was greeted with a stubby woman. She was scribbling on another clipboard. As I come in I see a polygraph test (lie detector) Wow this is normal, every school does this right?? I throw a confused look for the stubby woman. "Take a seat Sam", she quickly slurps out. I sit on the cushion chair next to me.

She started to say, "You must be very confused about all this and why you have to do a polygraph test", I furiously nodded. "Well you might think that this is a passing a wall of privacy but it's not, you were to sign a contract on how we could do this". I suddenly remember when I got the contract in the mail.

I was sitting in my room, just kind of chillin. My dad came in and handed me the days mail for me. One of three was one from the school. My dad left and left me to it. I opened the letter and I scanned through it quickly (I wasn't going to read a whole page during the summer pfft) I signed the page at the bottom.

"-well you might be thinking why we do this test on every student, well the reason is that  we don't want out students to keep any secrets from us", she said strangely fast.

After she explained everything to me she did the test on me. She generally asked me a lot of love questions. Eg, what's your sexuality? After every question she made some short quick notes. I was very uncomfortable.

After that test she made me take a shot and went to the other side of the room to examine it? Something like that. I swear I could see a face of shock for a second. She put 5 dots on my wrist with a pen.

"When you go outside tell the other woman 5", by now I should've dissolved by how confused I am. I went out and said goodbye to the stubby woman. Such a weird experience.

As I was making my way to the other woman I swear I could see a shocked glance from Chestnut nut boy towards my wrists. Is 5 an illegal number now? I made my way to the woman and told her five. She slowly wrote it down without looking at me.

She then told me (again without looking at me) to take a 5 minute break and then head to class. I nodded  even though she probably didn't see it. I made my way to the empty seat beside Chestnut boy.

Chestnut boy immediately said, "Are you going to runaway this time?", He gave a slight chuckle. I swear I probably blushed a little bit. "Where could I run to?", I replied. "I don't know, probably to a different dimension", he replied back. There was a short pause, then we both laughed.

I explained to him how I got startled and realized I was 1 minute late to class. After he nodded I asked, "So what's up with all this polygraph test thing?". The millisecond I finished my sentence his name was called up next.

I felt a wave of unsatisfactory. "I'll tell you the next time I see you". We made him way to the door I once entered in.

I realized I never asked him his name "-Hey, whats yoUR NAM-". He vanished. Did we both change roles?

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