Chapter 6- Such a Leo

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I think this chapter is a little bit better, I've planned out some future chapters already and some more exciting ones are coming up so yay. Incase you don't know leo is one of the zodiac signs. I'll be linking most of the characters with a zodiac sign so you can Google each one of you want but it doesn't matter to the plot so you don't have to~

The 5 minutes that I had for lunch are gone and my last but not least class of the day is English.

I start to get my bag and go to my English class. I was expecting it to be a little bit boring like the other ones but finally, a class that isn't boring.

I enter the class and nearly the whole class is in already. I'm either really late or everyone likes this class, but English?

Where is the teacher though?

"Hey!", The teacher called out as she was leaving her storage room with a big box.

She sets the box down while saying, "please wait a moment". The took out her seating plan and seated me beside a very enthusiastic boy.

He has dark blonde hair and light green eyes. They twinkled when the teacher started talking again. Such a leo.

"Now that everyone is here, welcome to English the best subject in this school"

The teachers pretty excited and hyper, different from all the other teachers.

"Today we will fit it some drama to our short lesson today, it should be a nice start to English this year since this school doesnt do Drama as a subject"

My new favourite class.

"In today's activity I'm going to keep it simple, introduce yourself in an accent that you can do"

A few people introduced themselves at the front of the class in exquisite accents.

It was now the boy beside me next turn.

"Greetings, je suis Noah, good morning to you all"

Everyone laughed at his impression as that was the most extra one so far, except me trying to except the fact that its my turn next and I don't know any accents or impressions.

"Sam, it's your go now"

"Sorry miss but I don't know any accents"

"Then just improvise"

Accepting my fate I walk to the front of the classroom to do my impression of shame. I decided what I would do is simply copy Noah.

"Greetings, je suis Sam, good afternoon to you all"

Everyone laughed with me, not at me for once yay.

Noah put on a simple smile knowing the fact that I copied him, I guess he's happy about that.

As the rest of the class finished their impressions/accents the teacher announced, "As you kind of know eachother now I have another task for you, bring some clothes in for next lesson and a small script linking in to the clothes, maybe about 5lines at least for next week".

Everyone left the class happily. I'm so looking forward to my next English class, that's the only homework I got so far (at least I can do that over my boring week)

I'm walking home joyful as I can ever be, that class was a little much. It's kind of frosty and chilly, weird for the first week of school. It's not raining so why is a suspicious guy using an umbrella at the other end of the street?

He looks like the guy this morning, hmm. It's obviously him, he has the same hoodie on.

I arrive at my front door and walk inside. I got a notification this morning that I didn't notice yet.

Julia ♍
Yo, I'm off today for school sorry (You'll have to be alone at lunch :( )
Wanna hang Thursday since I was off today?

Sam ♎
Sure, meet me. Park. 1pm

Julia ♍
Yay, cya~

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