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"Are you sure nothing happened?" He asked for the millionth time. I chuckled, "no. Nothing happened. You already know the story behind it." I said, reassuring him. He sighed and folded his arms, "you better not be lying to me. I expect the lies from Minhyuk but never you."

I held onto his shoulder and flashed him a small smile, "I'm telling you with all my heart and mind that we did nothing after that." He looks around for a few seconds before nodding in defeat, "fine, I'll drop this. For now."

"You better head to your class, it's about to be bell." He nods and waved goodbye. I waved back, smiling lightly before heading inside my classroom.

"Did you see how good Kihyun looks?" A girl in my class said. "I'm still confused on what his relationship is with Hyunji." Someone else said softly, but I could still hear them. "From what I heard, they're just best friends."

"Do you think she likes him or vise versa?" A girl laughed loudly, "I hope not. I've actually just joined the same club as Kihyun."

I rest my head on my desk and shut my eyes, trying to block their topic. I remembered that it's Wednesday which means Club Time. If you're asking what club I'm at, I'm joining the Movie Enthusiast.

Why? Because all we do is watch movies. And if you sleep, they don't care. Coincidentally, Kihyun's friend group is actually at the same club. By his friend group, I meant Minhyuk and Hyungwon. His other friends are at different clubs I assume.

It's strange because just yesterday was the first time Minhyuk and I actually had a conversation. A proper one. And we've been at the same club this whole time and I just noticed.

Minhyuk really does nothing but gossip to a few other students about some drama while Hyungwon does nothing but sleep. We stan.

As I was packing my things for Club Time, I don't even need to pack shit since I'll be doing nothing but either watch a movie or sleep. "Pssst." I looked around and saw Minhyuk outside of my classroom.

"What?" I looked at him. He flashed a smile before heading inside my classroom with his hands behind his back, "let's go." I gave him a raised brow but then I remembered. "Oh. Right."

I closed my bag and went out of my classroom with him. "Shouldn't you be walking with Hyungwon or something?" I asked. He shakes his head, "I already did but I wondered if you were planning to skip Club Time again so I checked on you."

"What do you mean you already did? And what?" Minhyuk stretched his arms, "I already walked with him to the club room but he started walking fast and immediately passed out on the desk before I could even sit down." I managed to laugh. "And don't pretend like I don't notice. You skip Club Time a lot and I'm shocked you haven't been caught once."

"What can I say, I'm a great hider." He looked like he was trying to think about something. "Why do you skip Club Time?" I sighed, "I skip it because like who cares? Our club is literally just about watching movies, finishing it, and moving on to another movie. Plus, not even half of our clubmates are watching the movie. Some of which are sleeping, talking/gossiping like what you do, or doing their own thing so I sometimes don't see the point in going."

"Guess you are right on that one. It's a fun club though, don't you think?" He asked. I chuckled lightly, "true. All we have is free time which is pretty cool in my opinion."

We both entered the club room and they were already starting the movie. "What are we watching?" I asked. "Our Times." A person responded, their eyes still on the TV. Minhyuk and I took a seat beside each other and for once, it seemed like almost everyone was watching. Even Minhyuk was watching. Although Hyungwon was still fast asleep but this time he brought a pillow with him. Once again, we stan.

The movie today was actually pretty goddamn good. I actually ended up crying. Minhyuk gave me a look, "why are you crying?" He asked even though I could see his eyes tearing up a little.

We ended up staying longer cause the movie was long. I didn't even realize it was dismissal time. The movie ended and everyone said their goodbyes. Hyungwon stood up with his pillow in his hand before walking out.

Minhyuk and I part our ways and I proceed to my classroom. My bag was the only bag left and the classroom was clean. Even the cleaners left earlier than me. There was a note on my desk which was from Kihyun.

'Hey Hyunji, sorry I can't walk you home today. You know how the singing club gets. We'll be performing again soon which is why I won't be able to walk you home. Walk home safe and make sure to sleep early.
From, Kihyun'

I heaved a breath and placed the note inside my bag. I'm used to this. Since Kihyun is an outstanding, amazing, beautiful, angelic singer (I could go on), he's one of the popular singers in this school which means he has a lot of events to go to to compete. And it's that time of the year again.

I remembered when I used to be afraid of thunder (I still am). Kihyun once came over when a big storm arrived and started singing to me to calm me down.

I realized that I was getting red at the thought. I shook my head and grabbed my bag before leaving school.


while were both here, why don't ya'll check 'our times' out? alright, enjoy the next chapter wooosh

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