Chapter XVI

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Silence echoed across the dorm. Everyone was eerily quiet, gnashing their teeth. Jungkook was in charge of the phone, his fingers slightly shaking as he pressed down the e-mail someone sent them.

"Jungkook-ah, ppali." Jin ordered. He can't help but be nervous about what the letter they're about to read.

"Psh. Sissies." Jennie commented with a chuckle making all of them glare at her. She rolled her eyes as a response. They were staring at the whole damn thing for seven minutes and they didn't even opened it until now. Yes, they're close now, courtesy of Lalisa Manoban.

Yoongi's eyes flinched. "I sacrificed my sleep for this?" With his remark, Hoseok nudged him with his elbow with a sush. He just rolled his eyes while it rested on Lisa.

He was aware of what he was feeling right now. It felt serene and foreign at the same time. But it hurts for him to realize that she only looked at him as an 'oppa'. An older brother. That's that.

"Omo..." Jungkook's breath ragged as he was reading the e-mail he opened. With wide eyes he looked at all of them. "We're going to America's Got Talent!"

Shouts and squeals was heard throughout the building. Everyone had small smiles that makes them feel giddy inside. They're family, and they really want to keep it this way.

But Lisa's smile turned into a frown with the realization that everyone in here is temporary. She shouldn't let her feelings get in the way, otherwise it will be her own will to stop the mission and turn this relationship into something real.

"Lisa, are you alright?" Jin worriedly asked her. He noticed her subtle movements that he can't help but feel concerned... and doubtful. Everyone noticed it too, but they were afraid to ask. They had a special relationship with the girl, and they treasured it. But does she feel the same way?

She shook her head and smiled, only this time it didn't reached her eyes. "I'm fine. Just a bit woozy, is all." She stood up and head towards her room. "I'll just take a breather."

With her bedroom door closed, she let out the tears she had been holding since she had that thought. She should've stopped before it come to this—yet here she is now, being emotional because they were bound to get hurt by those killers.

She tried to stop her tears from falling, yet it flowed like a waterfall because of the different pictures formed inside her head, like what happened to—she shook her head as she was about to get out of that misery.

"Lisa!" Jennie bursted inside the room and tried to calm her down. She had a panic attack like this before and all she needed was a good sleep. With everything had happened, she knew what Lisa is thinking. She knew about her plan, but she tried so hard to hide it from her. Everything's f*cked up, and she don't want to cause any more problems.

"Eonnie.." She weakly called. "What if I can't protect them? What if I—"

"Shhh..." Jennie engulfed her into a hug and caressed her head. "Everything's gonna be alright, Lisa. We have to be strong, you know that."

They remained with that position for minutes until Lisa calmed down and managed to fell asleep. It was quite late, anyway. Jennie carried her to her bed as she softly looked at her sleeping figure.

Suddenly, a knock was heard. The door quickly opened and revealed the guys. "Is Lisa okay?" Yoongi softly asked Jennie as his eyes laid on her.

"Yes, she was just stressed out with a lot of things." Jennie answered. She eyed the seven and she had the ghost of her smirk.

"Call us when she wake up, ne?" Jin said as he went to his room. All of them followed except Jungkook.

"Noona." He said one word, but Jennie knew what was he about to say.

Jennie sighed. "It's okay, Jungkook. You can't stay here."

"But, noona.. It's Lisa we're talking about." He argued and he can't help but feel pained with what happened to her.

Jennie stood up and walked towards him, her hands in his arm. "Look, I know you like her and you're in your denial stage as of the moment. But, Lisa won't open her heart to any relationships, not that I disagree with you liking her. It's just that..."

"What, noona?" His face fell of disappointment. He doesn't had any chance with her, but then again, it's better this way than seeing her with another.

She shook her head and smiled. "Nothing, Kook-ah. Just... if she ever reject you, don't be disappointed. She made a wall for no one to pass through. If you're courage and brave enough, you can break those walls."

She held out her hand and forming it into a fist. "Fighting!"

"Fighting!" Jungkook smiled with his bunny teeth and they both laughed.

Little did they know someone was eavesdropping their conversation.

A short chapter, guyseu. Mianheeee~ I really have a hectic schedule this month and I really tried my best to update as much as possible. I know this is far from your expectations but I made the story this way so end all hate y'all. 

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