Chapter 3 - Confession

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Note: I know I've been changing from past to present tense a lot... I don't know which one I like more, so sorry if it confuses you, I'm still thinking.

Chapter 3 - Confession

I did what Solomon told me to. After Carmen had already went to sleep, and 15 minutes  after lights were out, I peeked outside my door and looked for any of the usual 'scouts' who were surveying the area. Surprisingly there were none. Carefully opening and shutting the door I inched out of my room almost bumping into Solomon coming around the corner, which was 10 feet away from my room door. It was dark with only a small glowing light emanating from his flashlight, and I wondered where he got it.

"Follow me," he whispered, gesturing with his arm.

I ran towards him and he gripped my hand instantly, my eyes alight with curiosity as we ran down the halls on tip-toes. Upon coming to the extra-tight security door with wires behind the glass, my body froze in alarm. How would we get through those doors?

"Just wait," he whispered reassuringly.

I stilled my breath and waited. A few seconds in there was the familiar 'beep' and the door was unlocked. Solomon and I stepped through and ran further down the halls until we reached the staircase that lead to the basement. I having never been there didn't know what to expect.

It was while we ran down the stairs that we heard a loud 'knock' from above and we froze instantly. He hurriedly shut his flashlight off and pressed me against the wall and our breaths came out in stifled pants, afraid that we would get caught. My heartbeat was so fast I thought it would jump out of my chest, from panic and exhilaration. Solomon's wavy hair was tickling my nose, his left arm was across my waist and trapping me to the wall, my cheek close to his ear practically brushing it. I could feel his warm breath on my skin as I forced myself not to panic and breath normally. I've only been here over a week! I slipped by without getting caught for not taking my 'meds'! How would it end for me if I got caught sneaking in the middle of the night?! Does Solomon usually do this?

Then there was a 'click' like a door being shut and we knew the way was clear. Solomon flicked on his flashlight and we headed further downstairs, faster than before, until we reached the final bottom. The basement door was heavy metal with only a small glass window that was probably bullet and shatter proof. Solomon headed to the door and did a signature knock, knocked three times, stopped, 4 times, stopped, then flashed the light in the window twice. As if in answer, the door opened and illuminated by the flashlight was the conniving grin of Ms. Sarcasm.

"Well, 'ello there, poppet," she spoke loud despite the circumstances.

"Greetings," Solomon answered, tugging my hand in and I following.

"Well, go on then, anti-social nobodies," she snorted.

The metal door squealed shut and then three thick curtains covered the window, then all the lights were turned on full blast. That was when I noticed the entire gang seated in make-shift sofas, cots, and pipes used as chairs. The scent of cigarette smoke wafted the air and I grimaced, scrunched my nose, and covered my mouth and nose. Solomon covered his nose and mouth too. He hastily pulled me to another room adjacent to this large one, which was probably the tumbler, and to a room with loud working machines occasionally pouring out steam. We passed by so fast I only noticed Bill lounging, talking to the wall, or probably Drake, and Peyton and Y'vonne at the other side with Rory, chattin' up a storm with a pack of cigarettes and three bottles of some liquor.

Wondering when we were going to stop, Solomon finally let go of my hand in a small janitor like room with brooms, mops, and cleaning chemicals. The smell was horrendous, like soaked laundry and insecticides. I immediately covered my face again and Solomon started digging behind a stack of boxes on the metal shelves.

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