Chapter 10:The day she leaves

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(A/N:Hey guys sorry for not updating that fast as i used to its because of highschool and i'm having trouble with keeping things in balance but DONT WORRY here's the chapter most of you have been waiting for and as usual i'm sorry and i hope you enjoy Chapter 10 =3)


InuYasha's P.O.V

Kagome....she left....because of"I'm sorry,InuYasha..." "N-no...Kagome I-i" "It's's not your fault InuYasha..."

Kagome...Kagome... "Kagome!" A dream...? by the time that name slipped out of my mouth Sango,Shippo,Miroku,Kaede and Kirara woke up from their slumber. "(Yawn) Geez,Inuyasha- (Yawn) that's the third time this night..",Shippo complained. "Yeah..But seriously InuYasha you gotta loosen up a bit we're kinda having a hard time sleeping because of you Geez (Yawn)",Sango added."Gehehehe...Maybe you've finally realized what big of a jerk you are InuYasha gehehe",Shippo said as he giggled.I hit him in the head leaving a big bump on his head "(Shippo:Owww!Geez!) (Kaede:But seriously InuYasha Sango's Right you should relax for a while...remember you'll be set-off to find Kagome you should take a good night's rest)"

"I-i'm sorry Kaede i-i understand...",i said and then quickly lied down and so did the rest of them,No matter how much i try to take her off my mind i just can't so i've decided to sneak out..I waited for the right moment until i knew that everyone was asleep,Then the right moment came and i quickly sneaked out and headed towards the bone eater's well and when i did get there..

This is it..No time to more chances to waste..Here i co-

I was about to jump when a voice startled me and stopped me from entering the bone-eater's well.I turned around to see Shippo with Kirara (in small form) as he rubbed his eyes it seemed that he just woke up.."I-inuyasha? what are you doing?(yawn)You're supposed to go look for Kagome tommorow..",He asked as he was rubbing his eyes to clear his vision of sight."A-ah..well you see i-" "You're worrying about Kagome right?And you're also thinking that it's your fault she left right?"

He was right..

"I'm worrying about Kagome too actually..and i know how you feel i'm letting you go to her.." "S-shippo-" "I miss Kagome...and..and..",he started weeping but he was also doing his best not to start crying.. "I-i know you InuYasha..I promise i'll explain to the others on why you left...But...please....bring kagome back...",he said as he looked to the ground as he sniffled and tears came dripping down from his face..

"Don't worry i promise..I'll bring her back no matter what.."

Then i Lept through the well and i appeared in the Modern era,where Kagome lives.

Kagome's P.O.V (before all that )

I was Finally back to my home...and this was the day we leave..and say goodbye to the feudal era..and especially to Inuyasha and to my friends...Sango...Miroku....Shippo...Kaede...and you i say Goodbye...

"Oh Kagome You're back!I've prepared your things so that you wouldn't have trouble arranging them yourself.."

"Oh..uh..Thanks Mom!"

I quickly rushed into my room and took a good look at it before all of it would be gone..I dived unto my bed and faced the ceiling and i started recalling the memories i had in this room..

"Geez Kagome what are you doing?You promised we'd go back after a day.What the heck are you doing lying in bed?",he asked bluntly "I- (Achoo!) i'm sorry InuYasha i-(Achoo!) seem to have caught a cold...",i explained.. "Kagome what are you doing?- Oh!InuYasha excuse me for a moment but Kagome needs to take a rest before she starts going on adventures with you you''ll have to wait until she gets better..",mom said...I didn't quite get what happened after that but i remember inuyasha saying "Gah..Fine...Get bettter and until then i'll meet you by the well.." until i completely dozed off

I woke up to see him sitting by my side as he was heating some kind of soup.."Ah!Kagome y-you're awake.." "Yeah...i am (cough,cough) i you took care of me..huh?",i teased."W-well it's not like i wanted to!You're mom went out and asked if i could watch-out on you for a while but-Bahh! Who am i kidding fine..go ahead and laugh.."

"Why?What's so funny? actually i'd wanna say 'thank you,InuYasha'",i said as i smiled.. he turned around to hide his shyness and his face that was completely hiding up shyness..


"Ahh...Memories...",i said as i closed my eyes and waited for my mom to call-me up in time to leave..

When she did call me i jumped out of bed and started surveyling my room for one last time and headed for the door and stopped and the doorstep and closed my eyes as i stepped out of my room..I took my bags and everything and went out of the house..

Grandpa started crying and sohta was too mom was starting to cry and i almost started to.I remembered something imported i went near my mom and whispered she nodded up her and i went to the bone-eater's well and placed on a sticky note..

May the memories in this house not be forgotten and may things never change...I'll miss the feudal era but i hope everything stays the same..I'll miss all of my friends in the feudal era including Sango,miroku,shippo,kaede,kirara and Inuyasha..I wish them goodluck and may this house give them blessings,i don't want to leave but it's for the best...Goodbye...and i hope ...i hope we meet again.


Higurashi Kagome...

I pinned it up on the lamp post near the well that had sohta's,mom's and Granpa's wishes on it so when i was done i stepped out and went to my mom and she asked me "What did you wish for kagome..?" "I-it's a secret.."


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