Chapter 17:New happenings

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(A/N:Amg im very sorry for slacking off ALOT my new years resolution would be to update more often but i wont make long chapters because they get tiring to read myself #REALLYSORRY;-;)

-.-(P.S this will be the new intro)
On the previous chapter:•Much more sadness was brought due to kagome's absence so Shippo and sango creates a letter to Kagome to tell them everything they wanted to tell her when she gets back and so the story to bring back kagome continues!

(Somewhere in a cave)
"Kouga,we haven't heard anything new going on with kagome and the others lately.Shoudn't you start getting worried?"

"Why should i get worried when i KNOW Kagome can handle anything,that's another reason on why i've chosen her to be my bride."

"But Kouga--" "Ah shut up!What about we go visit her just to make all of you shut your traps." And so the pack went out to go meet kagome as to their knowledge they never knew what had happened to kagome the past few days.."Kouga it doesn't seem like anyone's here...",They were at the hut where kagome and the others would usually be..But for now Shippo,Miroku,Sango and kirara went out because shippo found a trace of kikyo's soul collectors and decided to follow them..thinking that it might lead to naraku which could keep their mind off to the sulking over kagome and everything.They started searching the hut and they found the bag kagome had left and kouga took a good whiff of the scent to be able to try and track kagome no matter where she was..He went outside the hut "Wait--",Kouga started sniffing out madly unto the wind smelling a very fainted smell of kagome..being half dog he could track this but it would be a little hard since this scent felt like it was days since it has lingered across the air but he still tried and so the others followed..And the fainted scent led to the Bone-Eater's well.."What..?",the others asked in wonder..Kouga,also in confusion didn't know why it would lead to such a place.."M-maybe you tracked wrong kouga.." "No.I'm sure it led here..",kouga started walking forward towards the well and noticed a piece of paper held down by a big rock..

Kouga,not thinking of anything else rather than to know of kagome's whereabouts and state at the moment,lifted he rock and took the piece of paper and threw the rock away,which unfortunately hit one of his pack members but didn't care,HE WAS FOCUSED,and started examining the paper..after minutes of doing so..he finally announced...
"i can't read this.",(pack:•7• <(•••?)and everyone froze in shock to what he had just said."Then what was the minutes of examining for?!" "SHUT THE HELL UP!If you're so confident then you read it!" "Kouga calm down okay,i'm sorry but none of us here can read." (kouga:•_• •••).
---After minutes of argument---
They decided to ask the villagers to read this but it didn't go out so well...
(*Kouga:Excuse me but can you-- "Ahhh Help me anyone!!" which kept repeating.)
Until they came across a certain old lady,Kaede-sama

But at that time Kouga was preety much loosing hope because almost every villager they'd talk to would either freak out or scream and run for it and they couldn't stand having to be splashed by laundry water for the 3rd time,the paper was kept safe it was placed at kagome's bag which they had brought with them.Kaede started walking towards them and they started backing away slowly from her because they were thrown with stones the last time they were approached but then Kaede stopped walking forwards and so did the pack along with kouga "What are you doing with Kagome's bag?",she asked.Kouga felt a ray of hope "..We were hoping to find her but we only found this piece of paper..",they scavenged for the piece of paper until they got to the bottom part of the bag,they handed it over to her and she examined it and complete silence until she lifted her head meaning she was done reading."Oh.Before i tell you first let me ask you what relation do you have with kagome..?Why do you want to find her..?",she was ensuring kagome's safety before anything else."..(kouga:•///•)" "hmm..No answer..?then why should kagome's safety concern you..?",kaede started walking away "W-wait old lady!Its because i'm kagome's admirer.." Kaede stopped,then faced kouga whose face was hiding his embarassment of saying that to a person he barely knew,but he needed to trust her.." does seem like you are honest but you need to come with me first..",kaede led them to the hut's entrance then said "is it really necessary for all of them to know?",kouga took a look at his pack who were begging to know ahout what kagome's state as bad as he did.."No.(•_•)",he blankly stated,Their mouths froze open as kaede led kouga inside while placing salt outside the hut not allowing any demon to get in or even hear their conversation..

there was too much too explain and that information was too critical to fall into the wrong hands.

--After an hour of explaining everything---

"I understand..",he said firmly,he then stood up and headed out the salt was preety much gone now and the rest of the pack was asleep so kouga headed to the well which kaede had mentioned.

"So this well should be able to teleport me to kagome's era huh..?" 'But not everyone can get in the well' "was what she said but its better to give it a shot.."

He jumped into the well and fortunately he was able to cross the present era..


(a/n:im very sorry again ;-;)

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