Special Scene: The Report

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Pete POV

I was watching Ae's football match when someone called me from the stairs.

"Mr. Pete!" the guy said

I turned my face totally to my left side where I heard the voice and it was the university director. I couldn't believe in what I was seeing.

I got up and walked in his direction...

"I received an anonymous report about a guy who had harassed you and tried to obligate you give him money, is this true?" Director Min asked me (he is Korean) when I stopped in front of him

I froze for a second but...

"Yes it was!" I've heard Ae that ran to us and Pond stating it

I stayed there looking at Ae and Pond...

"Mr. Min, Trump is the name of this guy!" Pond said

"He had harassed and tried to make Pete give him money... He said of Pete wouldn't give him money he would send some photos that were about Pete's sexual option. That guy I saw him many times bullying Pete and the latest time I wasn't with Pete but I saw what that guy made to him and I have photos of it!" Ae said

I was really surprised hearing Ae.

"So... Mr. Ae, can you show me that photos you talked about?" Mr. Min asked

Ae said yes with his head and they walked to the football field bathhouse, I couldn't move I was cold, Ae realised that I wasn't walking he came back to take me with him.


I had to tell the university director that the anonymous report was true and Pond said it too. Can was with us...

Pete was so froze that he didn't walked with us to the bathhouse of the football field, I walked back and Shia his hands are so cold.

I smiled to make him see its all right and finally he walked with me to where Mr. Min and Pond were.

"Here are the photos!" I said showing the photos on my phone

"Well... We have to report this to the police!" Mr. Min added

"But who reported this to you, Mr. Min?" Pete asked

"I reported!" Tin stated from behind

"Why?" Pete asked

"I discovered that Trump did the same to other 4 boys in other universities so that they I had to report it Pete!" Tin stated

Everyone was shocked with what Tin said about that shitty guy.

Pete and I were sat on a bench close to the lockers the first place we had our first time...

"Ae, I hope you... I'm sorry I just don't know what to say anymore everyone will know about our relationship and I didn't wanted you to be judge like I was when I came out!" Pete said

He was with a sad face looking at the floor, I made him look at me...

"We are going to do it together. If someone ask us we say the truth!" I stated

But he started talking about how Tin was a really good guy reporting Trump to the university director and I couldn't hold my jealousy.

"Why you talking so much about Tin?!" I asked "Is he better than me?!"

"Ae, Tin just reported the problem and you know he is my friend!" Pete said

"Pete, you're dating me and thinking how brave Tin is!" I just stop being reasonable, I couldn't stand the way he was talking about Tin and to shut him up I kissed him.

The results were that I couldn't hold myself and I ended up taking Pete to my room and we had sex.

I can't control myself when I am close to Pete, it's something that I try but it's impossible!

Author: Sorry for taking too long to update and also because it's not a big chapter. Hope you like it 😘

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