Chapter 15

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Y/n POV:

Trying to sleep, a peculiar scrapping along the ground stirred me until I woke. At first I thought it my imagination until it continued on. What was that? I glanced around to see everyone else still asleep. Quiet, I stood and peeked open the door. Nothing I could see ... but I hadn't imagined the sound. Tonight there was no night guard, the place didn't even get people visiting during the day after the several reports of killer animatronics. What a miracle they remained open, otherwise we'd be tossed out to the streets and left. Curiosity wasn't satisfied so I wandered further. All the toys were resting, the Marionette had to be in his box as he didn't sit with them. Whilst walking past them, I froze. Springtrap. The ropes were loose, he wasn't there. Oh God. Oh God please no. Where was he?

There was another sound ahead of me. The same sound. I had to be quiet, choosing to follow the sound and accept my fate should it come. Just as I rounded the corner, a hand wrapped around my mouth and pulled me back into their torso. I wriggled to leave and went to bite at their hand until a voice whispered against my ear.

'Springtrap's escaped,' the voice says, warm against my ear. Bonbon. I relax my tension as we heard someone walk past the corner I was just about to go to. We were unnoticed. Bonbon finally let me go. We're very close.

I faced him and mouth, 'Thank you. What should we do?'

'Leave him.'

'What!' I whispered my yell.

'Do you have a better idea? He can kill both of us but we can't kill him,' Bonbon reminded me. Dammit, he was right, 'are you alright?'

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, 'Yeah, why?'

'He said something to you yesterday ...'

'You heard?' 

His head twitched, 'Well, no. Chica spoke to Foxy about it and I overheard them.'

'Oh right, I'm fine' I dismissed, sighing, looking down to the floor. All I wanted was peace.

He placed a hand under my chin to bring back up my face, 'That's a lie.'

'It's not.'

He let my chin go, almost glaring, 'You look so sad. It's clearly a lie.'

I felt ... fluttering in my stomach. This was not okay.

'I want him dead. Springtrap. He deserves nothing.' My teeth grit in anger but I felt overwhelmed by sadness at the same time.

Bonbon wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into a hug. I felt tense to begin with, but melted into his warmth and hugged him back. I wanted to cry, but I couldn't. I wanted to scream, to hit a wall until my knuckles were bloody, to just lie down.

'I'm sorry,' I muttered.

He began stroking my hair and whispered, 'You don't have to be sorry.'

What the hell was I doing? I was meant to despise him. A sudden sound jolted us away and made the situation real again. With ease, he took my hand and dragged me away. I couldn't help but glance to him, seeing a tension in his jaw. Why would he comfort me? Bonbon wasn't who I was meant to be thinking about, Springtrap was the threat. But when he spoke again I could only focus on him.

'Just go to backstage. Springtrap won't bother us if we don't bother him, okay? We'll sort stuff out when everyone else is awake.'

I nodded and responded after a long few seconds, 'Okay.'

I shuddered when he moved his head forward and tilted it down, pecking my forehead with a gentle kiss. My cheeks grew crimson ... but so did his. He smiled down at me, I had to smile back before going into the room.

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