Chapter 18

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Y/n POV:

Whilst walking around with Chica, she suddenly jumped off to go talk to Freddy for 'literally two secs!' After several lonely minutes, I deduced her a liar and slumped against the wall on my side in anticipation for her arrival again.

Then, I heard someone approaching behind me, around the corner. A paranoia clung at me to step away and face whoever would be there. Bonbon appeared, what was he doing?

He spotted me as though expecting to see me, 'Can I talk to you?'

I shift my feet, uncomfortable, before answering, 'I'm sorry, Bonbon. I don't really think we should be talking to each other.'

'I know, I know, but consider this,' he spoke erratic, placing a note in my hands before walking back the way he came. He seemed stressed beyond measure.

I opened the note; 'Please meet me at midnight in the main office. Be alone and quiet, make sure nobody sees you - Bonbon'

Unexpected I had to admit. I smiled at the note, I'm not sure why. I felt the pestering fluttering in my stomach again, why must it be someone I'm meant to hate. Someone who will get me killed. Reading that note made the arrival of midnight take longer than usual. Everyone passed out asleep whilst I fought to remain awake, the boredom sent me sleepy but the anticipation of what he wanted ate me up. I glanced to the time, a couple of minuted until midnight.

At last, I decided to get up and make my way to the office. I felt anxious whilst going through the area, noticing he wasn't on stage as well. Springtrap's presence still made me sick to my stomach, he could attack at any moment. Still, I arrived to the office and noticed Bonbon wasn't there yet. Maybe he took a walk first? I took the minutes to control my breathing when he enters the office in a fast pace. He noticed me and smiled, I smiled back.

His smile faded as he spoke, 'Look, you should know I like you. I know I shouldn't, but I do. A lot. I'm saying it now to get it out there because I have a certain feeling.'

I had to catch my breath, was I hearing him correctly?

He continued, how capturing his green eyes were, 'I have actual feelings for you and it's killing me slowly. I need to tell you now because I don't think I will otherwise. But I think it's okay, because I think you might ... like me too.'

He sounded both so sure and unsure of himself. 

I press my lips together, my chest puffing out. I felt almost dizzy, 'You're ... right, Bonbon. I do like you.'

He smirked with a stifled laugh, 'I know.'

In a swift movements he embraced me, I had to hug him back. It was one of those hugs where letting go would feel horrific. Still we parted slightly as Bonbon delivered a sign, the sign. His eyes glanced to my lips, I repeated the action. He leant in so close and so fact that the moment before our lips touched they grazed and his hot breath felt so perfect and alluring. He pushed his lips onto mine, holding his hands on my neck and waist. Our lips moved together in bliss and grace.

Freddy POV:

Marionette and I turned quick to avoid staring like creeps as Y/n and Bonbon kissed. Still, it fekt mandatory to inform him of this.

'I told you they had feelings for one another,' I told him, 'they shouldn't be apart because of your petty grudges.'

'Perhaps not' he muttered, almost in defeat, 'but I can't allow you to mix with the toys.'

'Maybe you shouldn't listen to Springtrap. After all, he's your murderer,' I reminded him.

'He controls me. I owe my life to him.'

'You're being manipulated, you're brainwashed!' I whisper-yelled to him. He was intelligent and beyond this world, yet couldn't notice the basics of manipulation?

'He helps me. Why would a reject understand?' He waled away from me. I shook my head in disbelief and walk back to our room. He made me sick to my stomach and it seemed nothing was going to get passed him. When Y/n at last returned a few minutes later, I was thankful for her safety. I was grateful she would have something to make her happier.

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