Chapter 26

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Y/n POV:

After we planned that, a few days passed with us taking care of the plan. Mangle had managed to get a lighter whilst the employees were distracted by BB's 'hello'. We had even managed to get the lock off of the door and were working on getting it onto the basement one. Out concern was not seeing springtrap anywhere.

As I left the backroom, I heard a scream. We all ran to where we heard it and saw Cece. Why was she screaming at? She was looking to the floor, there we saw the remainder of Bonnie's animatronic head.
'What happened?' I ask.

'I don't know! I found it like this.' Cece explains, now calmer.

'Springtrap. Surely.' Chica says.

'Where is he hiding?' Freddy thinks out loud.


Springtrap POV:

It's stupid how they don't know where I'm hiding. In honesty, behind one of the vents that lead to the office one panel is removable. It leads to the vents that circle all around the pizzeria and I can hear mumbling of people.

I'm taking my damn time killing then off, it's more fun to play with your victims that go straight in for the kill.

I hear the footsteps of someone alone, next to the part area where the vent with the removable panel is. I go there and peak out the vent, it's Y/n.

I get out, she doesn't even see me.
'Well hello, sweetheart. What Brits you here, alone? Bunny issues?' I joke.

She jumps and turns around, angry to see me. 'What do you want?'

'Just to see my favourite victim.' I laugh.

Y/n POV:

He laughs like a maniac, it scares me but I try to not show it.
'What do you really want, springtrap?'

'Do you hate me?' He fake pouts, moving in circles around me. 'Do you not like me?'

'What are you getting at?' I snarl. He stops right in front of my face.

'You plan to hurt me. It's not very nice.'

'You hurt us first and now you're killing off our friends for good. You started this.'

'Who is us?' He says, spreading his arms our with a step back. 'Nobody is around. And I'm making sure you don't leave.'

'So, what? You're going to kill me now?'

He laughs again. 'Yes, actually. Surprised there's a brain in there.'

'Why are you doing this?'

'It's fun. Everyone has their hobbys, this is mine.' He brings out a knife. Oh god, please no.

He moves closer. That's when I see a figure behind him, I don't move my eyes to not draw attention to whoever it is. When they step in the light, I see it's Bonbon.

'Scream, and your death will only be slower and more painful. Again.' Springtrap laughs.

He moves much closer, my back is now against the wall. Bonbon just behind him with a weapon in his hand.

'Any last words?' Springtrap asks. 'No? Good.'

As he's about to kill me, Bonbon hits him over the head, causing springtrap to fall to the floor with a grunt. Bonbon grabs my hand and pulls me closer to him, hugging me from the side before slightly pushing me behind him.

Since the basement was close, we push him down the stairs of it and block the door with a table and many chairs since the lock wasn't on.

I breath heavily, as does Bonbon, as we lean against a table.
'Thank you.' I tell him.

He looks at me. 'You don't need to thank me, Y/n.'

'I do. I would've been killed if it wasn't for you.' I say.

We fall silent, staring into each other's eyes. His green eyes look so perfect. Big and doll like, as if he's reading me. Like he did once, he glances to my lips. I know what he wants, and he knows I know what he wants. Our faces move closer and closer, glancing to each other's lips. Slowly our eyes close as our lips meet. Butterfly go wild in my stomach. The kiss is slow, with not too much movement. His arms go around my waist, my arms around his neck, that's when we get more passionate. I mean my head to a side, as does he the other so we have better access to each other's lips. His hands grip harder and I attempt to pull his face closer. The kiss begins to die down, and we start to part. When we do, his teeth are lightly biting onto my lower lip, gently pulling them before he lets go.

I open my eyes and look at him, before hugging him. I bury my face into his neck as he strokes my hair.

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