Chapter 12

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Y/n POV:

Within a little while, all the animatronics were piled back into the main stage area. A thankful feeling settled on everyone's faces that no night guard would be appearing, yet an awkward atmosphere further nestled into everyone's eyes. Nobody really knew what to say. There was only so much gossip a group of dead people stuck together could converse about. Constantly, my eyes kept drifting to the door leading down the stairs. Stationary. Strangely we all sat at the. same few tables, Bonbon happening to sit next to me. Well, almost next to, a gap of the two benches separated us.

"We should go down," Foxy suddenly stated, staring at the door.

Freddy practically jumped from his seat, "Where did that come from?"

He shrugged, "Just think it's a good idea. What's the use of waiting for if he's going to come up here or not. May as well go down."

"Isn't the door locked?" Bonnie raised an eyebrow.

"It's always locked." Fred entered the conversation, not looking up to us that much.

The eerie silence between people talking was driving me insane. There no longer felt a point to things like this. However, I did wish for Marionette to have joined us, same with Golden Freddy. They were powerful, unlike the rest of us, and if Afton actually managed to bring himself back to life then he seemed strong, too. But the puppet didn't come out and Golden Freddy hadn't yet come back.

"It would solve the problem we're all having," Cece said, "it's hard to trust you lot without proof."

"And would get rid of the issue if it's real," Bonbon continued on.

Once again, we all turned towards the door. Still stationary. With a glance to Freddy, it seemed clear he was debating over what everyone said.

"I think it's a good idea," I spoke, Bonbon turned to look at me when I mentioned this, but we looked away from one another just as fast.

Well, until he said to me more quieter than before, "Should be settled then."

I couldn't tell whether he meant it with sarcasm or not. To be safe, I didn't reply, simply spared a look to him without much emotion.

"I think so too," Freddy agreed, appearing almost puzzled with his own answer.

"Excellent. Let's go then," Foxy egged us all on.

"We can't just go without some sort of plan, can we?" Chica held Foxy's shoulder down before he could even think about standing up. He slumped a bit in his seat, refraining just from rolling his eyes, "there could be literally anything down there. We've never been."

"We can't really plan much," Fred pointed out, "we can't agree to meet somewhere or use things to help us or sneak up on him."

"Besides," Eddie began, speaking at last, "why all this effort for him anyways? He's one deteriorated animatronic who's probably weak and gone mentally insane from being alone. We can just all jump him at once, beat his metal down and done!"

Freddy thinned his lips in thought, "I fear it won't be that easy. We don't know what he's like now. He might know things that we don't. Regardless, I think it's safe to assume he knows where he is, he knows we're up here and he's going to be here sooner or later."

Foxy stood from his seat abruptly, leaving the tables to make his way towards the door.

"You're going already?" Cece judged a little.

"Nothing else to do."

One by one, we all stood up as Freddy stuttered out protests. Foxy began to tug at the lock, using the metal of his arms to weaken its material down.

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