Chapter 16

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Y/n POV:

After a surprisingly restful slumber, I awake again and all I could think was my encounter with Bonbon. At the mere thought I felt heat at my cheeks, it was ridiculous thinking of him.

'Are you okay?' Chica startled me as she asked. I glanced to her in shock, 'you're blushing.'

Shit. I began trying to control my breathing to lower their redness.

'What are you thinking about?' She smirked. Jesus christ...

'Don't put me on the spot like this,' I responded in a murmur.

'Was it Bonbon?' Bonnie asked. Apparently everyone was a wake to witness my embarrassment, of course they were.

'No?' It came out as more of a question. How could I be betraying myself?

'You sound unsure,' Foxy teased.

'We saw you come in,' Bonnie began to explain, 'Bonbon was behind you.'

Now it felt time to go onto the actual pressing matter, 'Springtrap escaped. He helped me, I was about to round a corner where he was and Bonbon stopped me.

'We know he escaped.' Freddy stated. He seemed the most focused of them all.

'Was that all Bonbon did?' Chica wiggled her eyebrows.

'Oh my god, Chica. We don't even like each other,' I protested, 'and that's not the real issue here.'

'That's why he helped you,' Bonnie smirked.

I shook my head, feeling confusion and anger rising. I managed to change the topic, 'Why did springtrap escape and why did you let him?'

'We didn't let him, he escaped himself. But the problem is we can't kill him, so we've agreed to leave him alone.' Freddy explained, seeming miserable at the thought.

'Until we find a way to kill him.' Foxy noted.

'Makes sense,' I muttered.

A little while later, Chica, Bonnie and I were sat upon the stage in our own corner whilst opposite us sat the Marionette, Cece and Mangle, eager to keep their distance. Now and then, they glanced over to us with a glare before continuing on their conversation. It irked me, it especially seemed to be riling Chica up.

'Can't they keep their eyes to themselves?' Chica scoffed, rolling her eyes.

'Cece takes hers out anyways,' I said.

Bonnie giggled. 'Its a little weird, a beakless and eyeless chicken.'

'She's a little weird in general,' I added on.

'They looked again, that's it!' Chica stormed to them with intentions of not letting them get away without a heated argument. Here we go again...

Bonnie jumped to his feet to help sort the matter out, but I remained where I was. The last thing I needed was involving myself in a petty discussion. Then, I heard a sound. Unsure on what it is, I listened closer. It sounded like metal being scraped across a floor. It came near the basement, right around the corner. Slowly, I rose. The others were too involved in their argument to notice me sliding past them. I peer around to see a black blob on the floor. A black animatronic. Who's a black anima- Eddie!

I lifted my head in time to see a disgusting glimpse of yellow run back down the stairs. I growled, gripping at the door before turning back to Eddie.

"Guys, guys! Please get in here!" I called out, "get in here!'

I ran to Eddie, landing on my knees before even there. I studied him, it's impossible to tell if he's dead or not. Footsteps finally approached behind me

'Oh God,' I heard from Cece.

'What happened?' Bonnie questioned, joining me at my side and touching Eddie's cold cheek.

'Springtrap,' I muttered.

'Is Eddie dead?'

'I don't think so,' I responded.

The Marionette moved everyone else aside and grabbed onto Eddie, taking him away. A concern struck his face, 'I'll help him out the best I can. Don't even thinking about going after Springtrap, that'll only cause chaos and harm to others.'

'Leaving him and allowing him to roam around freely is causing chaos and bark to others,' I argued.

'Don't. Go. After. Him.' Marionette then walked off.

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