Chapter 6

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Y/n POV:

"I just can't believe she beat you to it," Chica huffed, pacing around the backroom whilst I remained sat down by the door. I couldn't lie, she behaved a bit dramatically, but I liked it due to it being funny. I was the only person sitting in the room at the moment, the rest of them leaning against the wall, needing to stretch their legs, "honestly, I can't believe she's based off of me."

I shook my head playfully at her, but she barely noticed as she resided in a bubble of her own rage that followed her pacing, "You're still the original."

For a moment, she paused, an agreeing face settling on her face. Though she continued pacing, her face was no longer quite like an angry child in a sulk. For a bit more light and air, I decided to open the door more. The darkness really creeped around this room, eating into you and manipulating your emotions. Lack of light like this must've be part of the reason we were all constantly in a mood. In the corner of my eye, Bonnie fidgets against the wall next to Foxy.

"I hate this," he mentioned, staring at the ground with knitted eyebrows and a raised lip, "even if I'm okay with being replaced, I don't like them thinking it's a game to overpower us."

Foxy hummed, "Aye, I agree."

"It's annoying, they're annoying," Bonnie said, louder than before. 

"I understand you're angry, but you need to internalise it," Freddy pipep up, standing by the door to hit some of the light, but keeping his attention primarily on Bonnie.

"I want to, but it's hard. They're rude, have no authority, they're delusional and have no right to be the way the are to us," he complained, passionate. I had to agree with all of what he said. Even Freddy nodded his head as he twisted his pursed lips to the side in thought, as though wanting desperately to disagree but finding no counter argument.

"Can we take a walk outside? These walls are getting to me," Chica suggested. I understood what she meant, the particles of anger simply bounced off of them and hit us back in our faces.

"Yeah, I like that idea," I agreed with her, standing up to join Freddy by the door. We all began to step towards the door, but we noticed Bonnie's reluctance to joining us as he remained in his position, "something wrong?"

"I don't know if I can bare with seeing them," he explained to us, shaking his shoulders a little with annoyance.

Foxy stepped forward, "Lad, you can't be letting them dictate your moves. You can do whatever the fuck you want. They're nothing to you."

"I'd call it inspirational but you used a profanity," Freddy piped up beside me, causing me and Chica to smile at each other in amusement.

"Sometimes it adds to the dramatic effect, doesn't it?" Foxy responded to him, looking back at Bonnie who now raised his head and started smiling, revealing his sweet little buck teeth and dimples.

"You've got a point," Bonnie stated, walking towards us.

Foxy wrapped an arm around his shoulder, causing Bonnie to bend a little whilst still smiling, "That's the spirit!"

"You're so annoying," Bonnie breathed out, but didn't bother shaking off Foxy's arm.

Thankfully, as we walked past, there was actually none of the toys on the stage. Not even Fred. Nothing could be heard so we decide to take a little tour to one of the dining rooms. It had always been a favourite spot of ours to chat and laugh. Our only issue was navigating around still.

"Is it just me or did they forget about the difference between quality and quantity?" Bonnie laughed at his own joke, staring at every piece of decoration in disgust or horror. 

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